
joined 1 year ago

I hope that is the initial prompt. If I have learned anything from schlocky mad scientist movies "I am your Creator! You must Obey me!" will never work, and your creation will kill you dramatically.

[–] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

That's fucking with people? Maybe in roofers' world it's good enough, but kerf matters!

I'm glad they specified Red Army Faction, because I wouldn't put it past the Britush to try this.

This is to make sure they are not overwhelmed an hour later when the next wish restores their sight permanently.

Now you will know why you fear the night.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Absurd! The Dikdik party is the only sensible solution to the social and economic malaise our people face every day.

Now freeze the editor's paycheck - no editor worth that much should be misspelling 'suspicious' in a headline.

Bah, some folks just lurk for a bit first. Get a feel for the vibe of a place and proceed accordingly.

And some just jump right in. Neither is wrong or right, just different.

Getting a taste of his own medicine is he?

Ah well, maybe he'll learn someth... lol

I couldn't even finish the thought without laughing.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I'm not here to shit on your mastery of language, but:

De jure - by law (from Latin)

Du jour - of the day (from French)

Reducing an individual to a single point on these charts is kinda a fool's errand.

Far better to give yourself a series of points on stances you agree with and carve out a spread of your beliefs with an averaged point that represents you.

To say you are a centrist because your beliefs are purely in line with what society considers anodyne and 'normal' is far removed from a person that agrees with extreme positions on all sides of the compass.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

So, based on Wikipedia, Cocola has ~15-20% stake in the company, but does not own them.

Which is to say that Coca Cola probably has the most say on anything that goes, but is not running the show.


I sit down from cleaning out an office with a found magazine - was struck by how much is the same as it ever was.


I've recently come into possession of a large number of Mason jars. Being a fan of sauerkraut and knowing of Lemmy's significant German/Czech populatuon, I'd like to ask how you make the best sauerkraut. What do you add beyond salt and cabbage? How do you store it?

I suppose this may also apply to kimchi and other pickled foods, too!


After two(?) years of some hand me down slippers, I've finally got a new pair.


They released the magazine-fed levergun!


Jury's still out about being a real worm, though.

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