Don't forget Meta and other social media allowing (even encouraging in Twitter's case) rampant misinformation to go unchecked, dismantling the very systems they built to combat it during Trump's first term.
That, and their "1984 was a blueprint"-level invasive user tracking that allowed micro-targeting voters with propaganda to discourage Democratic turnout while inflaming Republican emotions. Russia might have written the articles, but Zuckerberg made sure they reached American eyes.
I didn't mind it too much (the naming Kamela part - Biden staying in the race for so long with a dead campaign was a travesty). As Vice President she was already voted by the American people to be his successor, so making her the nominee was just asking the public if that was still the case. With so little time before the election, avoiding factionalizing the Democratic party was important - people will eventually get over their candidate losing and vote for the winning nominee, but there wasn't time for a nomination and for those feelings to fade before November.
I only wish she'd kept the energy and progressive drive of the first few days of her candidacy rather than falling victim to the same advisors that ruined Hillary and Biden's runs. This election should have been an easy win for even the lamest Democratic candidate, but it seems Democrats learned nothing from Obama's success (well, unless you count "shut down progressives early before they gain momentum").
i remember the massive interest in VR from tech enthusiasts back during the early Oculus days. Meta's actions after purchasing them destroyed so much goodwill with the developers they needed to make VR a success that they probably set VR back as much as (if not more than) their increased funding pushed it forward.
I don't think it's gamers driving those hardware sales - GPU supply has been strained for over a decade due to their non-gaming uses. The introduction of cryptocurrency lead to all the high-end cards being snatched up by mining operations and scalpers, then right as crypto finally started dying down, the AI boom hit.
Anecdotally I know a ton of gamers going with low- and mid-tier GPUs like the 3060/4060 because crypto/AI speculators and scalpers have driven up the prices of the high-end cards beyond the budgets of normal people (and that's when there are even any cards in stock).
It must have been surreal for Pratchett meeting Emma in person at the Snuff launch party. Since she voices the character herself, it must have been like meeting two separate friends at once - his writing correspondent and research partner, Emma, and his virtual guide/friend in Vilja.
That feels like a scene with the sort of bizarre, semi-irrational emotional undertones that Terry himself would often write about. I wish he was still around to ask how it felt.
It's like punching someone in the face but then washing their car and acting like he's a saint.
So the Biff Tannen comparisons work on more than just Trump.
There's at least one server that uses dummy accounts for vote federation to keep the voters anonymous.
Sometimes you need to send a message. A bunch of meteors wiping out an advancing army will make any king think twice before asking you to pay taxes again.
~~doctor~~ pyrotechnician
Kernel-level anti-cheat?
*reads article *
Kernel-level anti-cheat.
So not a real compatibility issue, just fixing an artificial one they created.
Well, damn. I remember a comment where someone mentioned they'd modified their server fork to create a dummy account for each poster and use that when federating votes, and also said they planned to submit a pull request with the feature to the main repository, but I couldn't find anything when I looked for it. I've searched through my upvoted and saved comments as well as the issues and pull requests of several fediverse platforms but had zero luck.
I remember it coming up in response to either this drama or when the Lemmy devs asked if votes should be fully public last year, but the related threads had nothing either. Maybe I hallucinated the whole thing!