More crime? Great! Make more money for the cops (overtime) and the private prisons. Gotta keep OCP in business!
Yep. That's what I read. I don't like the idea of an app that examines other apps memory unless it's either the OS or antivirus.
This, I think, is a symptom of the failure to properly treat mental illness.
Nobody in their right mind does this.
Came here to say this; The state's actions show a disturbing pattern where they:
Refused to help Brittany Wise with $10,000 in housing debt when she proactively asked for assistance to keep her family together
Then spent at least $6,200 per month (likely much more given special needs) to separate her children and place them in foster care - far exceeding what it would have cost to simply help with housing
Made her children's situation actively worse by:
- Splitting up siblings who previously lived together
- Placing children with behavioral challenges in unstable situations
- Having some kids spend nights in DFCS offices due to lack of placements
- Traumatizing a 9-year-old who just wanted to celebrate his birthday with his mom
Choice of policy priorities is telling: The state dedicates less than 0.5% of its $450 million family preservation budget to housing assistance, despite housing being the third most common reason for separating families
The math alone exposes the reality - this isn't about costs or helping families. If it were, they would spend the smaller amount on housing assistance rather than the larger amount on foster care. The system seems designed to punish poverty by taking children from struggling parents rather than helping stabilize families in crisis.
When the state chooses to spend more money to break up a family than it would cost to keep them together, that reveals the true priority isn't the wellbeing of children or fiscal responsibility - it's exerting control and punishing parents for being poor.
Ooh, interesting angle. I hadn't considered that at all. Thanks internet stranger!
At least they'll be dumb enough that they'll believe it when Trump gets blamed for it... I wait, that won't happen, he'll never leave office.
I saw the video of this. Everyone just watched her burn... I just can't with people anymore.
This software sounds pretty sketchy, it must be allowed to view the entire system's memory and it has a webserver? What could possibly go wrong?
This sounds like a fun idea, but hard pass!
So is this why he's trying to reclaim the Panama canal?
Seems like a good way to bury the story in the search results and bully Panama into making the story go away.
Some quick googling shows anthem and UHC (shocker) have been specific culprits with this, being the subject of legal action (Atzin, et al. v. Anthem, Inc., et al., Case No.: 2:17-cv-6816 ODW (PLAx) and Trujillo and Harden v. Unitedhealth Grp. Inc., et al., Case No. SACV 17-2547-JFW (KKx) (C.D. Cal. 2019)) regarding their denial of claims.
Realistically speaking, there are some good ones. Practically speaking, if you aren't acting as if they're all bad, you're a fool.
Agreed on punitive justice though.