(couldn’t find comment on blahaj) yeah, probably, did seth mcfarlane stop writing for them or something? it’s starting to feel like teens are writing it
i know someone who used to capitalize every noun (idk if they were german or not)
i used to type like That Too Actually.
that makes sense, thanks!
ooohhh that makes sense
some of them are adult shows, like South Park, American dad, etc.
makes sense
i can also say that friends who abused me/treated me badly said the exact same thing as OP. “tough love”, “i’m just old-school like that”.
i have all 3 and do not behave this way. i don’t believe any of these cause someone to think the way you do.
as someone who’s not psychotic but experienced symptoms similar to a psychotic break from ages 16-17 (idk what it was but it involved around 2-week severe periods of mood swings [mainly anxiety, anger, or euphoria] and depression, people suspected bpd or bipolar but neither was confirmed), i can say that i would also constantly post stuff repeatedly, look for advice, and also felt unfixable (“this is the way i am”).
i have no clue if you’re experiencing what i did or anything similar to psychosis, i’m just sharing that i’m quite concerned for you.
(i also must note that I didn’t find other people useless during this period)
their other posts are starting to disturb me, makes me think they’re developing some psychotic-esque break
oh no 😭 they are the kindness Crew
Ahh. It'd prob be better if he wrote