
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I'm 100% for Ciri being the main character and I'm also complaining "what about the lore". You can do both at the same time. There's a vocal minority of people who'll use the lore argument to be sexist assholes, but people who have actually read and understood the books can have some valid concerns (ie where and how did she go through the trials, why can she use magic again, where did she even find how to do the trials, and just... why? She didn't need them and it's a bit of a character regression. She was basically already a witcher by title.)

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)

...no? This is specifically referring to things like fanfiction. Haters rarely actually write fanfiction - you'd have to be really dedicated to despise a work enough to devote hours of your life to writing in its universe. Fanfiction is generally quite earnest and made with love for the original work.


My void kitty, Sabcia (read roughly as "Sabtchia") - she's 12 years old, a derpy old lady, and her vet has officially diagnosed her with pacifism.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 4 months ago

I've reinstalled Sims 3, because I wanted to play the Sims but just can't deal with the broken cash machine that is the Sims 4. It took a decent amount of effort to get it to run, and it doesn't run very well, but it mostly works. And... it's so good. I forgot just how good it was.

I'm amazed at how much there is to do, and just how well my sims can take care of themselves - when playing 4 I always just made 1 or 2 sims, so that I could control their every move bc otherwise they'd be stuck doing something useless on a loop. Here I can have a family of 4 and actively play just one of them, and the rest will cook, clean, do homework, and generally look after themselves while I'm not there. It's amazing how they had this figured out so many years ago, and regressed so horribly.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Recently released Wayfinder has been scratching that itch for me! It used to be a multiplayer live-service game, but during early access it got converted to a normal singleplayer/coop game with 0 microtransactions and it's a lot of fun. My only issues are with performance, which isn't great, and build variety, which doesn't exist. There are 8 characters with limited customization (except visual, you can do a lot with all the dyes and trinkets) and you just gotta rotate between them to keep the playstyle fresh.

But the combat is fun, the graphics are great (they aren't beautiful, but they have that timeless cartoonish high fantasy aesthetic, like early WoW), and there is a lot of stuff to do and reward chests to collect. It really is feeling like a new KoA to me - as you said, just a solid, mid-tier action RPG.

So considering that we're in patientgamers... add to a wishlist and wait for a sale? :P

[–] [email protected] 17 points 6 months ago (2 children)

...yes? That's how physics works (provided that that something is moving at a constant velocity). The only difference between an enclosed moving platform and unenclosed one is that there may be additional issues with the wind/surrounding air, but the train in this post isn't moving fast enough for that to be a concern.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I don't think so, considering that it was written in 1999. And it's just way too specific for something LLM would come up with.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago (1 children)

It is fun, but buggy + doesn't have great performance in some areas. I've recently played it for a bit on 1.1 patch drop, and lasted for about 6 hours until I hit a brick wall of a progression blocking bug. There was a decently large thread about it on the forum, no dev response, no fix in the next 3 hotfixes, so I stopped playing. Might come back for 1.3 or something.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago

Yeah, one of the only games I've 100%ed, the achievements are deliberately set up so that you can get most of them organically by the time you get to the true ending. The rarest achievement on Steam has like a 6% obtainment rate, which is a lot.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 9 months ago

I'll be a contrarian and throw in my vote for the second game - it's rushed and flawed and the asset reuse is blatant to the point of being legendary, but the setting and story are the best and most original of these 3 games. Just being a hero of one single city instead of the entire world is surprisingly refreshing.

In general I'd say that 1 has the best combat/tone, 2 has the best setting/story, 3 has the best characters. I've heard that 3 can be quite enjoyable if you pretty much only do the main story and companion quests - but I wouldn't know, I'm one of the poor fools who got stuck in the Hinterlands, and that mistake + the very underwhelming main story sapped my will to continue playing.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Way less gross. Human and centaur are both intelligent, can communicate, and give consent, so it would be fine. With a horse (which has none of these things) the centaur would be committing bestiality.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I had a N3DS, it was my first handheld and it was great! Really good selection of games. My most played were Monster Hunter Generations (which was my introduction to the series) and Fantasy Life - one of my absolute faves, a charming and colorful fantasy adventure with life sim elements. The story is a bit meh but the gameplay loop is incredibly satisfying and there's nothing else quite like it. I've been replaying it on an emulator (rip Yuzu/Citra devs) recently and it's still a blast.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago (3 children)

...wait, you just throw socks onto the pile without putting matching pairs together beforehand? I've learned that an alternate universe exists, and I'm not okay with it.

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