Awesome episode!
Don't buy lab-grown black holes, it's not quite the same if it's not mined by a child in South Africa. And it should cost at least three times your salary, otherwise your spouse will be ashamed.
Most straight Raviolin stream.
"The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn't a Guy at All" Manga Listed With Anime
You're like a real-life xkcd comic.
Efficient workers are punished with more work.
The extent to which current and future generations will experience a hotter and different world depends on ~~choices now and in the near-term~~ how quickly we compost the rich.
a.k.a. Yuru Camp prequel
"Sorry babe, can't have toilets. If a king or president doesn't sign this bill we can't invent plumbing" - A conversation that totally happened in every commune ever.