
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

they are above the episode description

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

he can't pardon state sentences?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago for piracy, nsfw for nsfw

[–] [email protected] 53 points 2 days ago (2 children)

needed a moment to realise this is about Vivian

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

when you click a link

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

I'm not the meme was sent to mw

[–] [email protected] 14 points 3 days ago (2 children)

If it were written in the miles from the same millenium it would be 28.5 Roman miles

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago (1 children)

If I can average v km/hr with gear at x hr/day this hike will take 22387/v/x/365 years.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

Hell ye, thanks for the info

Looks mobile tho


Image styled to look like a screenshot from the game Heroes of Might and Magic 3 in Polish. It shows a player giving a dozen eggs to the orange player.

Idioms (
submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Meme in a format "chads vs soyaks":

Chads - Polish idioms

  1. Whore will not rip off head off of a whore
  2. You ask a boar if they shits in the woods
  3. Flies are pooping, spring is coming
  4. Grandma's shitting has ended

Soyaks - English Idioms

  1. Every cloud has a silver lining
  2. In the eyeof the beholder (with image of soyakish dnd beholder)
  3. Once in a blue moon
  4. Elehant in the room (image of soyak elephant)

I recently managed to run the stuff mentioned int he title with the help of:

After having done this I wrote this script, which you can wget with: wget <link copied after right-clicking on the "Raw" button on the gist page>. (now: wget


  • python
  • pystache (pip install pystache)

How to run

python (it will ask you a buch of questions before doing anything. You can ofc analyse the code yourself.

What it does?

In short this will ask you for directory names including the root ARR_DIR. In the ARR_DIR it will create the media and configs directories and 3 files:

  • docker-compose.yml
  • .env
  • openvpn.Dockerfile (optional)

You can run it in "dry run" with or without creating the files in the directory you are running it from by answering the 1st question ("Dry run?") with y.

Services in the docker compose:

  • jellyfin - client to watch the media
  • jellyseer - admin page to request the media from arr service
  • jackett - indexer to tell arr services where to download from
  • qflood - dockerised qbittorrent client
  • sonarr (optional) - tv shows
  • radarr (optional) - movies
  • lidarr (optional) - music
  • readarr (optional) - ebooks
  • readarr-audio-books (optional) - audiobooks
  • bazarr (optional) - subtitles
  • homarr (optional) - admin page - I haven't really set it up yet
  • vpn (optional)
  • heimdall (optional) - admin page to aggregate links to all the services

You can see the flowchart for similar setup here


If you don't tell the script not to use vpn it will

I managed to use th openvpn service with ProtonVPN (which is free for one device). You can use any other if you know how.

How to use?

The script will tell you but in short:

Why Dockerfile

For ProtonVPN this script is needed, so I do it in Dockerfile, since it is impossible in docker-compose.yml

Other services

The script will tell you the same info.


Setup the dashbaord with links to every service.

Go to Go to http://{server_ip}:8090. For each of apps click 'Application list' -> 'Add' and:

  • Add jellyfin with url http://{server_ip}:8096
  • Add jellyseerr with url http://{server_ip}:5055
  • Add sonarr with url http://{server_ip}:8989
  • Add radarr with url http://{server_ip}:7878
  • Add lidarr with url http://{server_ip}:8686
  • Add readarr with url http://{server_ip}:8787
  • Add readarr-audio-books with url http://{server_ip}:8786
  • Add bazarr with url http://{server_ip}:6767
  • Add qbittorrent with url http://{server_ip}:8080


Add a few indexers to jackett using the "add indexer" button. You can see the indexers Ithe author of the reddit guide uses use in the image.


Go to qbittorrent http://{server_ip}:8080. Default username is admin and password is adminadmin. Change those under Tools -> Options -> WebUI if you wish.

Under Tools -> Options:

  • set 'Default Save Path' to /data/torrents
  • set 'Keep incomplete torrents in:' to /data/torrents/incomplete


Go to the service (e.g. from heimdall).

  1. set username and password
  2. Settings -> Download Client -> Add -> qBittorrent
    • Host: {server_ip}, Port: 8080, Username: admin, Password: adminadmin (the last 2 will be different if you changed them)
  3. Settings -> Media management -> Root folder -> Add:
    • /data/media/shows for sonarr
    • /data/media/movies for radarr
    • /data/media/music for lidarr
    • /data/media/ebooks for readarr
    • /data/media/audiobooks for readarr-audio-books
  4. Add every relevant indexer
    • Settings -> Indexers -> Add indexer -> Torznab
    • In Jackett copy the Torznab link for the indexer you want to add and paste it in URL
    • Set the API key to the one from Jackett (top right)


Go to bazarr at http://{server_ip}:6767

For sonarr and radarr:

  1. Go to Settings -> General -> Sonarr/Radarr
  2. Set the API key to the one from sonarr/radarr (Settings -> General)
  3. Set address and port


Go to http://{server_ip}:8096/web/#/dashboard/libraries and add all libraries in /data/media

Hardware acceleration

Go to http://{server_ip}:8096/web/#/dashboard/playback/transcoding. Set proper hardware acceleration. If using nvidia then Nvidia NVENC Check which formats work at


Jellyfin integration

Go to http://{server_ip}:8096/web/#/dashboard/keys, Add new key wiht name Jellyseer and copy it.

Go to http://{server_ip}:5055/settings/jellyfin, paste the key, set address and port.

Sonarr/Radarr integration

Go to http://{server_ip}:5055/settings/services and add radarr and sonarr with API keys from their settings -> General.

What next?

After setting everything up to check if it works go to Jellyseer and request some show or movie, which will then be downloaded and available in jellyfin.


Do you think an European Citizens' Initiative to ban Twitter in the EU would be beneficial and have a possibility of being successful?

I'm sorry if this is not a good community for this question. If not please point me to one.


I just wanted to ask whether anyone has any experience with liners or formatters for Groovy and could recommend any solution for that.


I've setup an old laptop with linux mint running jellyfin and arr stack in docker containers.

When I run it the Internet in other devices in the network becomes virtually unusable after about 10 mins of the containers having run.

I don't really know what to do, so I wanted to ask for advice.

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