Eggs ~~are~~ were one of the cheapest sources of sustainable protein for many low-income families in the US.
Gaudy is fun af! I'd absolutely do it!
Rich people pay me lots of money to reupholster their ugly, boring-ass beigey-grey furniture to make it look..... same ol' boring beigey-grey. Then they display it In their giant beige house.
Makes me want to fucking scream. Rich boomers have absolutely no fucking taste.
They've got 6 types in stock currently! Of those is one of my favorites: mushroom Peepy!
Follow ur dreams.
I am a dedicated Peepy enjoyer. (:
Okay so I've told this story before.. completely changed my perspective on my beliefs.
One day, I was making food for my young one. He was maybe a bit over 2 years old? Maybe 3. Anyway, I made him food and said "anything you don't eat, I'll put into a baggie".
He then asks "what's a baggie?" I show him the sandwich baggies in the drawer and then explain that grocery bags can also be called "baggies", say "see?" then showed him a plastic grocery bag from the cupboard.
His eyes get all wide then ge starts sobbing. Alarmed, I ask him what's wrong and he sobs "No baggie!!!! No baggie!!!!" I asked him why and he says, still crying, "My old mommy... she put a baggie over my head and I died!" He then immediately stops crying, like nothing had happened, and went to play with his cars. I tried to coax him into repeating what he had just said, like "what? Hun, what do you mean? What did you say?" And he looked at me like I was bonkers and just said "huh?", apparently not remembering what he had said moments before, even after I brought it up at multiple different times of the day.
All of this was completely out of character for him, and nothing like that ever happened again. He was never told about death or shown it in any media at that point or anything else like that, so I was baffled.
It definitely made me rethink my stance on things like reincarnation and stuff like that. It was.. too strange. Never could explain it.
I'll adopt a cat. 🤞
EDIT: I read the question wrong, but I'm keeping it up.
Never 4get.
I didn't do this. I voted for the less evil of the parties, I advocate for the handicapped and disabled, I support LGBTQ+ rights, I give resources to those who can't afford healthcare or houses. I did what I fucking could.
This is like blaming the individual for pollution. Who's contributing the most to pollution?
It sucks. It sucks so fucking hard. But we need to keep going and not cease our efforts in the face of despair.
I'm doing what I can. That's what I can do, and that's what I will do.
Aye. Fixed. ):