I've never met a farmer who didn't give their dogs a large area to roam, with the exception of when the girls are in heat. Yeah, only two of my mates let their farm dogs into the house, but it's not fair to make blanket statements.
Not quite the same, but I'm waiting for the day when people will pronounce street names like the GPS, instead of how they are actually pronounced. The street Schoenherr, in my neck of the woods is pronounced "Shane urr (yes, like the planet Omicron Percii 8, cause Detroit (Day twah) is weird), but the GPS says "Shown her". I'm really curious to see how long it takes for the computer voice to be considered the correct one.
Something I'm seeing a lot is the statement "I'm not distancing myself because of political differences, I'm distancing myself because of moral differences"
Anyone who is happy at the expense of others losing rights, is not different from you politically, they're different from humanity, as far as basic ethics.
You're not selfish. You're strong. Stronger than me and I'm proud of you for trying to fight to help your dad, but please don't do it at your own expensive. I'm pan and non-monagamous but buried further in the closet than a cable that "definitely will be useful in the future" because my family would turn on me in a heartbeat.
Thank you! You're awesome
I can verify this! My roommate works for the DOD. He can't tell me much, but every federal worker has been warned they're going to be purged and replaced with staff Elon chooses. In addition, mandatory Return To Work orders have meant that many of his coworkers will be let go for "missing work" despite the fact that the military knows they moved and they've been working remotely for almost 5 years. It's skuzzy as fuck.
The thing that got me in this article was the idiot politician saying that "Christians are being targeted"... oh you dumb toddler... you don't like how it feels to be "discriminated against" and your solution is to target and discriminate?! An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.
Digital items, but Amazon intentionally makes them impossible to find. There's a ton of e-books and Audiobooks that are $0.01 - $0.05, but Amazon intentionally buries them under the "free with Kindle subscription" crap, so that people can't milk this without really putting in the effort
Oh my goodness! So cute!
Some people have no regards for lives other than their own... and often get violent if a living being won't obey them. I'm a domestic abuse survivor, so there was no way I was gonna leave without him.
And thank you! He's dressed as Wolf Link. 😁 I am a cosplayer, and since he's my medical alert dog, he goes with me to comic cons.
I got sterilized because I have a painful, degenerative, genetic condition (with no cure), that I feel is too cruel to pass on. I won't risk letting a child be born with this syndrome, so I made the choice so I never have to deal with getting pregnant. If I ever want a kid, I'll adopt. (Doubtful. I can barely take care of myself like this)
Every day hurts, there's LOTS of days I wish I was aborted but I look at my rescue dog (who had been my service dog for 9 years now) and everything is OK. He was thrown away twice before I came along and his first owner kicked his teeth in. If I wasn't here, who knows what could have happened to him.
Pet Tax. You can see where his face was kicked, but nothing stops him from smiling
Don't give them any ideas