In addition any paralegals will generally follow the lawyer they work with, so if a single lawyer quits you end up losing a lot of workforce.
Peak efficiency.
Many of us didn't. In fact, many people didn't vote for anybody, and that was a major part of the problem. These people, usually single issue voters, thought they had the moral high ground by not voting between bad and worst.
Trump received the same number of votes as last election, but Harris received significantly less than Biden did last election. Harris wasn't good enough for a lot of Democrats, and they thought not voting and letting Trump win was better than tossing their morals aside on a single issue.
Doesn't matter if it isn't your fault. Your admin needs to fix it.
Peak efficiency.
People can change, but don't put your life on hold waiting for that to happen. I can't say for sure what kind of person this is since I've never met the guy, but I can tell you that you will be waiting a long time if he is behaving how you described. Communication is incredibly important as a foundation for a relationship, and ghosting indicates they won't be able to discuss things with you when things get really bad. This is a skill that is learned young and it is harder to learn it with age.
Let that flame die out and only let it be reignited if the person makes real effort to really talk to you.
Here you go.
The argument is not about what is but what should be.
She learned well that she can get idiots to fund her racism.
Can we charge lawmakers with homicide for trying to kill poor people?
I posted this in a different post, but why should I pay taxes if I have no representation?
You can specify withholding and deductions on your W-2.
They'll also have their debt grow threefold and say the economy is doing better than ever.