OP is a troll. see the account is very new since all former accounts of that user recently got instance banned at least on blahaj.zone. Not sure if they are just very confused, maniac, or actual alt-right, all i know is no point in engageing with them. this is my advice to block them.
it kinda is. but its a reference to the modern reboot of she-ra where: (huge spoilers for the show, dont click if you plan on watching)
Tap for spoiler
adora/she-ra literally dates catra who is an antromorph cat
thanks a lot. I really apprechiate that summery. maybe ill get to learn some best practices. since i am already makeing tiny games on my own, perhabs i outgrew some of that already.
does anyone know if this is good material? I would apprechite the format, but i know sometimes humble bundle offers some less than ideal learning materials.
what a weird hill to die on
ok. release date will be 204x xD
perfect challenge
Ill see to add that to my first or second project. this is one of the videogame fundamentals, that i as a player rarely think about
this sounds like a good entry for 3d i feel like. at least it sparked an idea on what i could do
sounds reasonable enough :D
id love too. But i assumed i need some base skills before i attempt this. I am actually looking forward to a game jam in summer thats why i wanna learn godot.
to be fair, this is the image the center parties have and upkeep. I, as a farly left person, already question if this seperation to right extremism will still be upheld in 4 years. Our Center-right partie CDU falls more and more for populist rethoric, which reminds me of the republicans or the toris.
So what you have been told is not wrong per se. But there is a significant amount of people in the country and politicans in the parlaiment, that argue the seperation between right exremism and center parties did already collaps behind the scenes.