Rape culture means that women who survive SA often have to go through a hellish psychosocial process wherein they must convince cops, judges, juries, friends and family that they were not “asking for it.”
I don't want to invalidate any woman's experience here. but It applies to all genders,SA done against men is often played for jokes, downplayed, or even treated as "lucky" (see this video.) Again, i'm not trying to invalidate anones experience, i just wanted to point out that this hellish thing can hapen to all genders. English isnt my first language, so pelase do tell if i missed something or wrongly undersanded it.
I agree with this. Cities shouldn't be car exclusive, but eliminating cars completely would also alienate villagers and people living in rural areas, in addition to disabled people.(written by an european who has family in those regions)
My friend is looking for people who would like to play garry's mod he wanted to play some gamemodes but got annoyed at public servers.
He is in the CET timezone.
Please take your time familiarizing yourselves with the new rules. some redundant rules have been removed, some were merged, and rule "3) Your posts must include a text body." has been added. feel free to discuss the rule changes and ways you feel the rules could be improved under this post.
Rather than using Discord, we are using Matrix, which is a FOSS equivalent. It’s pretty intuitive, so signing up shouldn’t be much of a hassle, but let me know if you have any difficulties.
Hypotheticaly if instead of searching for my old Ps2/Xbox360 discs i downloaded a rom could the emulated games infect my computer once ran?
(if this breakes the rules im sory)
Hypotheticly if instead of searching for my old ps 2 discs i downloaded a rom could the emulated games infect my computer once ran? this question isn't ps2 specific.
While i think more people learning of the fediverse could be potentialy beneficial, I also think that we should un-federate with them since corporations are the biggest danger to it. they used EEE(Embrace,Extend,Extinguish) tactics before and they will probably use them here as well. not to mention the blatant privacy risks it will bring. I'm not the only one who thinks not de-federating with them is a bad idea I think this comment explains it better than i could have:
Hello, im looking for some beginer-intermediate knowledge in python. I'm interested in more text rather than video based courses preferably with exersises.
I have this huge desire to learn programming but its stopped by me not being able to sit down and say "now its studying time" any advice is appreciated.
I don't want to invalidate any woman's experience here. but It applies to all genders,SA done against men is often played for jokes, downplayed, or even treated as "lucky" (see this video.) Again, i'm not trying to invalidate anones experience, i just wanted to point out that this hellish thing can hapen to all genders. English isnt my first language, so pelase do tell if i missed something or wrongly undersanded it.