They should've written "push me harder~" on the label
I wonder if youtube buffers the ad in the background as you're watching a video. That could explain why your actual video buffers but the ad plays just fine.
Oh I'd sit there too, watching people walk by
Pov: me when I cook
About 3 years ago, I was looking for emeralds at a closed emerald mine when I had the brilliant idea of hitting a random rock with my pickaxe. Turns out the rock was harder than the pickaxe, so a piece of the metal broke off and flew into my finger. I was 10s of hours away from any hospitals, and the metal curved around the bone of my finger, so I had to take my dad's camping knife and cut the thing out. This was at a camping spot, so I had running water, but it wasn't easy.
Oh no not the bed sheets
Aren't pretty much all storefronts searchable, or is it a Europe thing?
I shop primarily local and find stores with ddg/Google/Google maps. I live in a country where Amazon doesn't exist, and shipping takes at least 3-7 days, so I've always bought stuff from local stores. Of course not everything is sold in a physical store, for which you'll probably have to use ebay.
I feel this sooo much
I keep forgetting that some people need vpns to torrent.
It's grue duh