You go back far enough and you'll find every country did horrible things or stolelands or killed half their citizens etc.
I make 100k a year living paycheck to paycheck because before that I was poor, very poor. Had to pay off all my student loans and car payments. Now that that's finally all said and done the cost of rent increased so damn much along with utilities and a bag of groceries costing $120 for practically nothing. I also have a three year old and I'm a single father. Anyways, after taxes, retirement funds, and funds I've started for my child so when I'm dead he at least has a foundation that no one in my family has ever seen before I'm basically left with nothing. It's crazy I somehow keep finding better jobs every few years but by the time I do the cost of living increases so god damn much that it doesn't matter. I don't live in New York City or anything either I live in a shitty two bedroom apartment in a crappy city that a bunch of wealthy people randomly started moving to in COVID and kicking everyone else out that's lived there for their entire lives by buying the rental properties and increasing rent to the point of where they can't stay anymore. Problem is I'd have to move like an hour and a half away from my job to find anything affordable and I can't do that because then I'd have zero time with my kid after work which I value higher than anything else on this planet.
Well I didn't know you had a hidden requirement! In that case Lawrence of Arabia gets my vote.
Bro have you ever seen lord of the rings return of the king or the two towers?
First of all I'm left. I'm just trying to meet the people in the middle that would vote against this. That's the democrat's first problem as to why we got in this hot mess with these Republican jerks is that the loudest of y'all want the farthest left shit possible and it fucked us in the election because the Republicans used that against us. Open your eyes and realize Democrats are weak right now and only way back is meeting more in the middle to start.
All countries should give one year of paternity leave. I do believe though there needs to be a cool down period of a year and a half because then you would have people that just have five in a row taking advantage.
Is he able to move his arms or are they too big to like move around and stuff. Idk what I'm trying to say. It just looks like it's hard to even hold his phone properly lol
so glad i left a long time ago
I didn't vote for this everyone needs to stop putting us in a box...many of us did not want this and we're stuck with these jerks. Alot of Americans are good people we just got taken over. America needs help from other countries.
Diablo 2 Lord of destruction, Diablo 2 resurrected is sooo much better in many ways I'll probably never play the og again.