That was a confusing URL
Caveat that I haven't had to use this yet, as I'm hanging onto Win10 at the moment, but Stardock has a customizable taskbar/start menu app:
I do use their Fences app which has been super useful
I think that's the joke. It's like an article saying "Thirsty? New research shows water does the trick."
Musk was always a total ass. Agree maybe ppl were unaware until recently though
Honestly had little interest in this but you just sold me on it
I know there has to be a non zero number of people who thought this way, but I have to wonder how much of this sentiment was stirred up by say Russian bots and paid bad faith actors.
I'm getting the same vibes now when I see all the "bold of you to assume there will be elections", without fail on any post or comment that brings up the next elections. Trying to drive this idea and normalize it.
Like how advertising works, eventually a percentage of people who have seen Cola Brand ads enough times will want to buy Cola Brand.
Concerns grow? Shouldn't we be at the outrage stage by now?
I'm regularly seeing $12+
You have every right to be angry. More of us in this country need to be angry. It makes me both sad and angry that there are so many people with no empathy until something affects them personally.
I would love to learn and deal with Linux, unfortunately the software I need for work only supports Mac or Win