Yeah I guess a solution that reduces food waste while also being safe for people with milk allergies and intolerances would be to slap a big ass "contains milk" sticker on the label, maybe covering up the barcode so that 1) it can't be sold without the sticker, and 2) they can sell it at a discount. But that's probably bad for costco's image or whatever
There's also a theory that the word "camel" in that passage was a mistranslation of a type of rope. IE it's easier to thread a needle with a full cord of rope than for a rich man to get into heaven. The metaphor still works the same, but now it doesn't rely on an in joke about one specific gate in Jerusalem.
Despite the fact that im not christian, I love when jesus preaches against hoarding wealth because they are totally reasonable guidelines for equitable living in a community, and most christians just totally ignore it
Maybe not the actual biggest, but the loss of pirated material that i feel the most sad about is The Trove. The Trove was a website with a huge list of downloadable PDFs of source books for tabletop RPGs. I got the pdfs for everything DND, and also tried a bunch of other games I'd never heard of with a few friends. It also had downloads for other books and documents but I only used it for RPGs. I think it went down in 2019 or so.
The lesson: some people just like disruption, and equate being against the status quo with being better than the status quo. I think any left-leaning candidate who tries to court these people in the future should tread very carefully.
They care more about the headlines you produce than your policies.