
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I get what you mean, support in laws and numbers is not real solidarity, and therefore not effective nor complete support.

But from an outsider perspective (and i still leave in one of the most "supporting" country i'd say), it's already a big step from our current position to not get evicted or starve.

It's a good thing to know that solving symptoms with money does not solve problems though, but i feel like it remains hard to explain to people that it's not already a big step forward.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

Hard to get something that looks nice, but quite easy to make something that tastes good ;)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Homemade sushi tonight!

[–] [email protected] 24 points 2 days ago

Update KB5053598 is a very simple update that includes “miscellaneous security improvements to internal OS functionality” as well as a servicing stack update. It’s rather basic then but it seemingly introduced a bug that saw Copilot being removed from the operating system.

Is it possible that somehow some component in the update or some dev at Microsoft found Copilot to be too intrusive security-wise and decided to uninstall it ?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Thanks for your appreciation. We of course agree that they all are very very short lived. Sadly, the Kurds will effectively probably have a rough time in the near future. Zapatistas are quite an exception in here, they manage to stay steady for some years now, but of course their situation is quite unique (though in all examples I gave it was unique situations).

The common point in all those cases are that the reason for their short durations are more or less authoritarians states, in its diverse forms (Republic in 1871, Fascists+Republic in 1936, Communists in 1917, Turkey for Rojava, etc.). So i feel like if every system that has been criticized as bad all fought against libertarian communism, maybe that's a hint about how good a system it is. I'm not sure if it's the best for modern communism, maybe nowadays situation requires something else, but thanks to its versatility, I think it could adapt. So yeah, I kinda feel that libertarian communism and its declinations are the best theoretical alignment for communism in general (though it's not necessarily a state, precisely).

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago (4 children)

If we evict the socialist dictatures/guerillas led by marxist-leninist parties and other authoritarian flavors of communism, remains some attempts at libertarian communism, some surviving longer than other : Paris in 1871, Ukraine in 1917, Spain in 1936-1937 are short lived examples of past communist situations that brought social changes a century or half a century before they could be obtained again, for those we obtained back. Nowadays examples are Rojava and Zapatistad territoried in Chiapas, Mexico.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I don't get what happened here. Did you really said "electoralism is not the root cause of fascism", meaning that power would end up corrupted no matter what, and people actually downvoted you on .world, meaning they would think that electoralism IS a problem ? That's not at all the cliché I have for either .ml and .world folks.

Or, since your original comment was edited later than its reply, did you edit it to make it say something else ?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

De la seule vidéo de présentation, la particularité de Manus semble être d'avoir accès à une machine virtuelle pour donner des résultats. Je m'y connais que de très loin, mais je pense pas que ce soit fondamentalement différent d'une IA qu'on "brancherait" dans d'autres logiciels pour créer les même résultats, la différence est sans doute que c'est plus clef-en-main, il doit y avoir moins de mise en place et ça doit être plus accessible pour des personnes moins versées dans la technique. Par contre j'imagine aussi que ça peut vite être un enfer en matière de sécurité, si jamais l'IA comprend mal la requête elle pourrrait théoriquement écraser un site en prod avec une version buguée, divulguer des infos confidentielles, etc. Et j'imagine que ce serait plus dur à encadrer qu'avec une IA qu'on câblerait soi-même pour produire ces résultats.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Two trips each week. One to the local farmers shop, for whatever is available there (mostly vegetables, eggs and bread, but sometimes fish, meat, ice cream, etc), and another to a supermarket for the common things (pasta for my gf and couscous for me, rice, flour, some dairy (fresh cream or cheese), sandwich bread and chocolate spread, sometimes stuff that needs to be refilled like oil, soap, toilet paper, etc and usually an extra meal : either rice and fish for sushi-like thingy, chickpea for nugetts-ich fried stuff, or a can of smthg like chili con carne).

We try to do lists for the supermarket, otherwise we always forget something. For the local shop, what's available varies greatly so there's no sense making a list.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago (2 children)

If I'm correct, the linux foundation took up development of the Servo engine when Mozilla dropped it. So they don't focus entirely on Chromium, and may be the ones to take back after Mozilla for Firefox/Gecko engine if needed (you did not said that ofc, but i think it's important to mention). There's still a long way to go with new engines such as Servo and Ladybird, but that may be good alternatives in the future.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

I would feel okay i think. I only use it when it ends up in my search engine answers, and i think it's okay, it has both a larger userbase and older history, so for niche subjects and specific questions it makes sense to use it.

But if you feel bad about it, maybe consider creating the communities you would like to see on Lemmy, as others said ! It may be not as hard and time consuming as you think, especially if you find some people to help you or even to entirely transfer the moderation part.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

I'd say you're no asshole at all, cause 1) generally speaking, you can have your reasons for being distant with people, it's not a duty or anything, 2) from the bits of context, you may be experiencing a difficult/complex/unsettling situation, which would be a good reason to keep to your personal space to my eyes and 3) i find that, paradoxically, it feels more ok to have a "negative" or "not positive" or "neutral" behavior towards people who are more or less comprehensive/supporting, which seems to be the case here. On one hand we could feel like, since they make move towards us, we should thank them or they should be rewarded with extra attention, but on the other end, it's the ideal situation to be reserved or less considerate without hurting people.


Meta note : am not sure if this is on topic for this community, please tell me if it is not. I could not find rules, so I assume it's okay, but i'll remove it if its not. (Also, please consider the info given here with precaution, for they are only based on people feedback and media report, not any technical certainty).

So, after the recent Mozilla privacy drama, I saw multiple recommendations of alternative browsers, each one with their pros and cons. I was trying to get a better understanding of which one was good/bad for which reasons, and I thought i might share it here so people with more knowledge can correct my takes.

Here is what I could get so far, based mostly on Lemmy comments and Wikipedia pages. This is aimed at browser that share some of Firefox values (foss, independency, (maybe) privacy, etc), so I excluded Chrome, Edge, and others. I'm open to any feedback/infos/browser suggestions to get a more accurate summary !

Browser FOSS Privacy Features Browser Family [^browserfamily] Platforms Notes
Firefox Firefox WMLAI AI interest
Brave 🟠[^braveprivacy] Chromium WMLAI Crypto interest[^bravecrypto], bigot CEO[^braveceo]
Vivaldi 🟠[^vivaldifoss] 🟠[^vivaldiprivacy] Chromium WMLAI Aims to be a better Opera
Ungoogled Chromium Chromium WMLA Removes Google tracking and specific components
Cromite Chromium WLA Removes most Google tracking and keeps some specific components
DuckDuckGo Browser ❓[^ddgprivacy] Chromium/Independent[^ddgfamily] WMAI
Zen Browser Firefox WML
Librewolf 🟠[^lwfeatures] Firefox WML [^lwsecurity]
Waterfox 🟠[^wfprivacy] Firefox WMLA
Floorp Firefox WML
GNU IceCat Firefox WML Firefox without copyrighted content and with a bit more privacy
Tor Browser 🟠[^torfeatures] Firefox WMLA
Mullvad Browser ❌[^mullvadfeatures] Firefox WML Made by the Tor team and Mullvad (VPN providers)
IronFox Firefox A
Orion Browser Independent MAI In beta, claims to be top browser in terms of tracker blocking, considers making a Windows version, AI interest[^\orionai]
Ladybird ❓[^lbprivacy] 🟠 Independent ML Very early development stage, based on Ladybird engine, bigot devs[^lbdev]
Verso ❓[^versoprivacy] ❌[^versofeatures] Independent WML Very very early development stage (you have to compile it yourself for now (early 2025)), based on Servo engine, written in Rust

Notes : Privacy is based on Firefox level, which I considered "bad" for the sake of the comparison. Browser family is the browser on which each is browser is based, mostly Chromium, Firefox or none. I first called it Engine and it was unclear. Features is to identify barebones browsers and how much risk there is to find websites not compatible with those browsers. Question mark is for when there is a debate or I could not find infos. Platforms is for the platforms on which the browser is available. To keep it tight, only one letter per platform : W for Windows, M for macOS, L for GNU/Linux, A for Android, I for iOS.

contributors : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

[^browserfamily]: most browsers are fork of or rely on another browser. The two main "source" browsers are Chromium and Firefox, resulting here in three main categories : Chromium-based, Firefox-based and Independent. This is sometimes called the engine, though technically the engine is different (engines are Gecko (used by Firefox), Blink (used by Chromium), Webkit (used by Safari and Orion), and also Ladybird and Servo which are in development). [^braveprivacy]: they have a lot of optional data collecting, from their Privacy Policy [^bravecrypto]: from Brave's Wikipedia page. [^braveceo]: from his personal Wikipedia page. [^vivaldifoss]: some parts are open source, but the UI is proprietary [^vivaldiprivacy]: they collect data for statistics, from their Privacy Policy [^ddgprivacy]: they let Microsoft trackers active because of legal bounds due to their use of Bing. They recognized that but now claim that these legal bounds are no more and that they started blocking Microsoft trackers along others. [^ddgfamily]: technically, it seems that DuckDuckGo browser is not a fork from Chromium, but they use the Chromium engine Blink for their Windows and Android edition, and the WebKit engine (used by Safari and most "Independent" labelled browsers) for their macOS and iOS editions, according to the Wikipedia page. [^lwfeatures]: some websites may be blocked due to stricter privacy setups, according to LinuxSecurity's article cited on Wikipedia. [^lwsecurity]: some users seemed to fear that having a small team, Librewolf would be late on security patches, but their FAQ seems to say it's ok. [^wfprivacy]: from Waterfox's Wikipedia page, linking to Exodus report stating that android version of Waterfox uses same trackers as Firefox. [^torfeatures]: some websites might block tor network [^mullvadfeatures]: lemmy users said it is barebones and their FAQ says it has little features by design to prevent fingerprinting. [^\orionai]: from the Kagi Wikipedia page and lemmy comments. [^lbprivacy]: could not find infos on their website or wikipedia page. Probably not that bad, but since it is in early development, it may evolve in better ways than other. [^lbdev]: from their github, considering gender neutral wording is politics and does not belong in ladybird. [^versoprivacy]: unknown for the moment since it is in very early development. [^versofeatures]: meant to be a demonstration of the Servo engine, so quite rough for now (early 2025) but meant to get more and more features as time goes on.

Edit 1 : added Vivaldi, Floorp and Ironfox, clarify 'Engine dependency' column, add 'Platforms' column, add bigot warning for ladybird.
Edit 2 : added [email protected] table (Tor, Ungoogled chromium, Cromite) and IceCat, updated info on Vivaldi
Edit 3 : add Orion Browser, corrects lines to group browser together by engine, added users whose infos I used via edits
Edit 4 : corrected Brave and Opera Privacy rating.
Edit 5 : removed Opera since both Privacy and FOSS would be bad. Updated Vivaldi Privacy rating.
Edit 6 : changing Engine category to Browser Family and adding explanation.
Edit 7 : added DuckDuckGo Browser and a warning about the reliability of this summary.
Edit 8 : added link to Orion Browser and corrected Mullvad's family.
Edit 9 : added Verso.


Hello yall ! I am asking for your opinion on node editing, more precisely on creating straight paths with reroute nodes.

I find the built-in way of creating straight paths with reroute quite weird. If I'm not mistaken, it is :

  • Click-drag to create the connection
  • Shift + Right-click-drag to create a reroute.
  • G and drag to place the reroute (repeat until path is made of 90° angles)

Now when it's time to clean up messy noodles, it makes sense : you don't need the first step and you can join multiple noodles with the Shift + Right-click-drag to go quicker. But when I create straight path from the start, I find it weird to first make the full path and then divide it.

I would have liked a feature to 'extrude' from reroute nodes so I can build the straight path step by step instead, so I made a small script to add this as a shortcut : when i press 'E', it adds a reroute connected to the last reroute/node selected. I'll try to add a gif to show what I mean, and I'll leave the code if anyone wants to try.

My question is : am I alone on this or does it make sense ? Did you too find the way reroute works a bit weird or did it always made perfect sense to you ? Or do you avoid straight paths entirely ? (Or is there some other way to work with reroutes that i'm not aware of ?)

Anyway, here is the code if needed (to use it, save it in a .py file, and in the Preferences/Addons tab, choose Install from disk and select your file) :

bl_info = {
    "name" : "Extrude Noodles",
    "blender" : (3, 60, 0),
    "category" : "Node",

import bpy

class NodeConnectedReroute(bpy.types.Operator):
    bl_idname = "node.add_connected_reroute"
    bl_label = "Add connected reroute (Extrude) V4"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
    def execute(self, context) :        
        # Get node tree
        nt = context.material.node_tree        
        # Get active node
        node = bpy.context.active_node
        # OPTION A - Create a not connected reroute
        # in case there is no active node or it's not selected or it has no outputs   
        if not node or not node.select or not node.outputs.keys() :
            bpy.ops.node.add_node(use_transform=True, type="NodeReroute")
            return bpy.ops.transform.translate('INVOKE_DEFAULT')
        # OPTION B - Create a reroute and link it to the active and selected node
        # Add a reroute and connect it to current node first output
        bpy.ops.node.add_node(use_transform=True, type="NodeReroute")
        reroute = bpy.context.active_node
        nt.links.new(reroute.inputs[0], node.outputs[0])
        return bpy.ops.transform.translate('INVOKE_DEFAULT') # Returns that calls for movement.

def menu_func(self, context) :

# Store keymaps outside any function to access it any time
addon_keymaps = []

 # When addon is enabled
def register() :
    # Register the operator
    # Register its menu function in the correct menu
    # Create addon map
    wm = bpy.context.window_manager
    # Check if keyconfigs are available
    kc = wm.keyconfigs.addon
    if kc :
        # Create a keymap in Node Editor context
        km = wm.keyconfigs.addon.keymaps.new(name="Node Editor", space_type='NODE_EDITOR')
        # Add a keymap item for simple extrude
        kmi = km.keymap_items.new(NodeConnectedReroute.bl_idname, 'E', 'PRESS')
        addon_keymaps.append((km, kmi))

# When addon is disabled
def unregister() : 
    # Do register in reverse order
    for km, kmi in addon_keymaps:
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello folks, I have access to multiple codes for GOG games with Prime gaming. I already own some of those games on other platforms, so I share it with you !

Please tell me in the comments or with a message which game(s) you are interested in. I'll try to keep the post updated.

Games :

Have a nice day <3


Hey there everyone !

I recently got a Huawei p20 to replace my old dumbphone.

I don't need most of a smartphone capabilities : no need for emails, GPS, discussion apps and common social apps (Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok, ...) What I really need are SMS and calls, and I also like having a camera, a local agenda, a sound recorder and a notepad.

This new phone is pretty cool, and do what I want perfectly, but there is a lot of things that I dont need (un-uninstallable google and huawei apps, and a bunch of other functions). I also lack some options (no true dark mode, and navigation is not intuitive for me).

I recently learned that it is possible to change a smartphone's OS, and switch to opensources options, like LineageOS or GrapheneOS. If i understood, it could help with my experience, with the device's performance, and with the privacy/data sending (this is not my priority but i'm always happy if i can avoid generating data for corporations).

I searched a bit, but it seems that some options like GrapheneOS are only available for Google Pixels phones, and LineageOS has only unmaintained options for P20 Pro and P20 Lite (mine is just P20). I also searched for ParanoidOS, ReplicantOS, DivestOS, but none of it featured P20.

I also heard about Android stock, but i could not figure what it was exactly (a basic version of Android delivered by Google ?) : it seems like it could help me improve my experience, though it surely wont do anything on the privacy/data part.

So my questions are :

  • Do you happen to know any OS that might apply to a Huawei P20 (it's a bit old now, so i guess most of options are not maintained) ?
  • Though it seems to be strongly recommended to avoid using a P20 Pro/Lite build on a P20, would it be possible ?
  • Is it a possible to replace Huawei's EMUI with "Android Stock" ? If yes, would it be good for me ?

Sorry if some of my questions are naive, i'm not well aware on this subject. Thank you for reading and have a great day !


I gathered ideas from a tumblr post into an rpg alignment chart of "rock music"

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