To be fair, they want more regulation n others, not on them. Specially if they’re doing shady things.
We could rejoin the three Californias!
Unregulated capitalism. That’s why people in dominant market positions want less regulation.
If money really was no object, I’d build the first lunar inn and live there permanently.
“Oooh TeamAssimilation, that’s the Apollo Lander, it’s a valuable relic, please stop licking it!”
This is what I got from the article as well. Jesus, buy a previous gen GPU and fiddle a bit with your graphic settings, it’s just games, not life or death.
Imagine what would happen if we substituted the water for more brain.
Adult mayflies don’t, they don’t even have a digestive system or even mouth. They just reproduce and die.
Sponges, IIRC don’t have organs, hence no anuses. Can their excretions be called poop?
I don’t recall reporting any comment today. Can I fix that if I reported it somehow?
Edit: shit, I see I used report instead of reply. Im sorry.
It’s as if they want bland business-friendly content so advertisers and data miners pay for their users eyeballs or content.
Well, that, and hate speech directed at government-approved society segments.
They don’t even serve shareholders, they serve the money they will give them if profits increase short-term.
I think all we can assume is that life as we know it became dominant, either by sheer luck or by outcompeting other variants. We can’t reasonably discard that life happened more than once here.
It might seem like an astronomically rare event because that’s the only kind of life we know.
At least your parents like metric! That’s gotta count!
But seriously, no license is needed to become a parent, one of the greatest responsibilities IMO. Maybe they don’t actually hate you, and just don’t know to parent good. If they hated your guts, why would they (badly?) raise you instead of giving you in adoption the moment you were born?