Seconding. I have a 3D printer. A couple of them. And I use JLC for PCBs and 3D prints because they have AWESOME printers and it's just as fast to push the button and have it show up from them as it is for me to find the time and baby a print.
Yup. And eventually all gone there. The plan isn't secret, they post on social media and make news conferences about the new Israeli territory's geographical boundaries.
They've even made references to the greater land they claim which extends all around neighbour countries. Obviously they're not going to invade Saudi... Today. But start making the PR claim today, and eventually the rhetoric moves with it
Welcome to the land of dual sim, my requirement since 2003. It's incredibly useful even if only professionally.
Up until earlier this year this was easy. Any sandboxing app like MultipleApps would load WhatsApp and then you'd have a clean break if you chose. But Zuck decided to block all non original instances, giving a warning for about 6 months that it wasn't supported and bad and lies about stealing your data, then just logged out and that was the end.
Now very few sandboxes work and in my experience it's only the root level ones that come with your device. From there you can block contacts or permissions for WhatsApp.
But I think you've got it backwards as you'll be the one with the mixed contacts. Your work colleagues won't have your personal number and your personal colleagues won't have your work number. And if they did, it would message two separate WhatsApp instances. They wouldn't see your other contacts, it's not like Outlook.
And in that case a free Google voice number on WhatsApp's second account in the same app, would work just fine for you. That's how I have 4 WhatsApp on my 1 device. 2 physical sims always on, plus google voice, and an esim. Each WhatsApp instance with a second account switch and then the second WhatsApp in my phone's sandbox.
The Chinese influence is absolutely viewed as positive. When the Chinese influence, a road, a port, a library, a school, etc gets built. When the US influence people die and everything gets bombed to death.
What's surprising is the Philippines has such a low US influence number considering the history and the US right now using it as a pawn to harass China. Even Australia has told the US to back the f'ck off from the south China sea and using Philippino shipping lanes and vessels as pawns to start WW3 or WW4 at this point.
It used to be "have a beer with the president" now it's a social following. Both are ridiculously stupid qualities to have in the highest office. And America is getting what the voters deserved with these terrible candidates.