Non permanent stuff is cool to me, like notes suggesting you sell the car. Actual vandalism though isn't cool, they didn't know (hopefully) that Musk was going off the deep end when they bought the car.
Where I live, I could theoretically ride my bike to a bus stop to ride into downtown for work. However there is no bike path, or side walk and the speed limit is 55 with no shoulder. The road also gets a few hundred cars an hour. I've seen people ride bikes around my area, but never down my road, I'm very confident I'll die. So I drive 10 minutes to a bus to ride for 45 minutes instead of drive 35 minutes alone in my car.
unrelated to the cut, but I got myself a small pre-sliced kit of Iberico ham, wholly holy hell I think I may have ruined myself on my discount charcuterie. Now I am having internal debates of the worthiness of buying a whole leg and having the arguments of justifying the costs to my wife.
Actual gold, so it actively scratches your device; Apple Support blames you for it.
Thank you Ms Casey
I tried revolt a year or so ago and it was pretty rough
Junior's in the pesticides!
Is this like that meme about houseplants and potatoes?
Github - aww, someone called out API too much I guess I'll just die
Gitlab - I am in a fucking warzone and you don't see that stopping me.
During COVID I had a friend who refused to get vaccinated, or vaccinate his kids because "if I get the shot, it's not like COVID will go away".
He could only be convinced to get it if I could find a way to quantify the level of benefit to his personal life.
It's infuriating to have someone with this style of logic. Nothing should be done, unless it's perfect from the start.
Dude hasn't even had the job two months and he's already taking PTO?
I was tempted to cancel after the CEO comments on politics, Reddit is a bit much though.
Reddit privacy policy is dog shit, having a company advertise privacy and use Reddit is comical
Not exactly related, but I run an unraid game server for friends and use a lot of the preconstructed docker apps for games.
Most of them come with the server name preset and the server password preset.
I've jumped into many a "private" server called Docker-GAMENAME with the password still set to "Docker"