A noodle!
Scored a working Commodore desktop calculator for $25. It needed a light cleaning and I replaced the cracked battery tray but the electronics and VFD tubes work great.
I mostly avoid major world news now for the most part. I prefer to read hobby-specific news and local news, such as my municipality.
Forgive me for the pessimism, but I sincerely doubt that they honour any opt-outs. Meta has shown time and time again that they'd rather just pay fines as business expenses instead of abiding by law(s).
This. Numerous industries in the US make use of forced prison labour.
Eat them to absorb their powers.
Goddamn, I wish we could act like our own independent country for once instead of just puppeting whatever the US does.
Appeasing shareholders and investors.
Microsoft has so many spinning plates up in the air right now and they have no idea how to handle them all. Eventually they're all going to come crashing down and smash on the floor and it's not going to be pretty.
Most of the beloved Arkane team had left long before the closure.
Going to quote something I said on another account a while ago:
The end result is a voting population that will vote based on knee-jerk emotional reactions and are very gullible and lead astray by false promises, lies, and misinformation. Basically: They are extremely easy to manipulate.
A lot of Canadians feel Trudeau is a shit, do-nothing politician and PM and that he has to go, and I frankly agree with them. The problem, though, is that they let their hatred of the PM (and his party) blind them and they end up voting for a party which has no functional solutions to everything they hate Trudeau for. The problems that Trudeau has neglected DO need to be taken care of but the CPC doesn’t have a platform or policies to actually deal with them. Voters don’t care though; they just want Trudeau gone. They just want red party gone.
Two or three years from now when PP is prime minister - his ratings are going to tank and people are going to start hating him. The scandals will start stacking up and media pressure on him and his corrupt ministers will continue to grow, and many who voted for him will be crying that they got betrayed. Maybe some day people will learn to stop voting for con artists but I doubt it’ll be in my lifetime."
I am so very tired of ignorant, naive, and irresponsible voters.