Well, when the US puts its war machine behind the venture…
Well, my favorites have been the sennheiser momentum (currently have the TW4). I’ve gone through a few and splurged on the A-T, but for sound quality, comfort, and noise cancellation, I haven’t found any better than the Sennhesier momentum.
The one downside is the case and the buds themselves are a little bulkier because they’re one solid shape as opposed to the little stem coming out from the bottom like the AirPod. So everything is self contained in one squarish-roundish shape. They’ve gotten smaller since the older 2’s that I had, but still a little bigger than the design style with the stem.
A big part for me is privacy, and I think sennheiser are the best for that too. That I’ve been able to find, anyway.
Maybe I’m in the minority here, but I feel like this kind of conveys tone—it’s like a new language adaptation to the Internet age. I’m very big on grammar and proper punctuation, but I will do this on occasion to make a joke. Maybe that’s just me and the way I’ve adapted to reading memes, and maybe I bastardized what was actually just shitty communication to be something useful. Maybe no one I ever use this style on actually reads it the way I intend it, and I never thought about it until just now, reading people being upset over this. Is anyone else with me here? Because now I’m really wondering if this is all in my head
“Lion nation’s spokesperson says it has formed a council on voluntary antelope dinners. Minister of Antelope Eating said the council will act to facilitate ‘safe and supervised preying’ on the antelope population in order to feed targeted lion stomachs.”