Is ICE run by the Canadian government?
You act like Americans weren't screaming at other Americans saying that this would be the exact outcome. You also act like Americans weren't yelling at other Americans about guns, imperialism, climate, and so much more of the country's vices. And lastly, you act like Americans don't get punished years down the line after their leaders make the most brain-dead decisions imaginable.
Repos wouldn't include the keys, but they'd include instructions on how to obtain them. Those instructions (according to Nintendo's legal team) are enough to say that Yuzu violates the DMCA.
Even if it's a recent phone, new flagship phones cost less than a month's rent in many places. It's not like phones are unattainable for homeless people.
Or go to protests that are better organized?
Never heard this in my life
I don't disagree, but Premium does let you skip over frequently skipped sections.
He kinda is though. There aren't many presidents that run on a platform of gutting literally everything that can be gutted.
Especially since 2 Americans with multiple generations of American ancestry can have drastically different historical experiences.
Oftentimes (but not always), free stuff has a lower budget and lower amounts of effort put into it by fewer people. This often results in a worse product.
A lot of the issues in Canada are the same as the issues in America except dialed up to 11. It is way more likely that Canada falls apart before America does.
He means separate companies with few or no ties with each other.