I would recommend this channel https://youtube.com/@moddedwarfare.
It keeps getting reposted, it was on mildly infuriating. I am pretty sure I saw it on reddit too. The text chnages every time though.
I don't think reposting is bad though, as long as sufficient time is given, it is fine to repost. I think this might be the first time on shitpost though.
The real one: https://nypost.com/2023/10/25/business/alaskan-restaurants-100-tip-option-appalls-vacationer/
This was posted before on mildly infuriating, Lemmy is becoming like reddit.
From my experience they almsot never reply, it is better to make a new account using vpn rather than trying to get unbanned.
A good example is the Usenet community, in Lemmy there is barely any activity, on reddit people post at least once a week.
I had multiple accounts suddenly they all got system error, which in Reddit means you are banned. They couldn't be bothered to implement a notification system to inform the users they were banned.
In Patreon, the users are selling their content, in this case Reddit is paywalling user content without paying the users.
What did you guys do, confess?
I found more help in stack overflow for windows related issues compared to Microsoft.
Or just move to a a console, the quality might not be the same, but it is way cheaper. This is one of the reasons people by consoles, they are cheaper and the games are optimized for it.
I don't think it is a good idea to block twitter completely. Some countries use twitter for official announcements, including emergency warning.