The NHL put computer graphic advertisements on the boards and it has nearly ruined the sport for me. There are some bootleg streams that have a broadcast without the advertisements but most of them I find have the ads. Flashing shit. Cars driving down the boards. Animated logos. It's insane what the NHL decided to do with their broadcast product.
I do not understand why it is so common for police in this country to stand in front of a car and then shoot the driver when the car moves. It's a manufactured danger and really does not seem like a smart idea to use your weapon to put a corpse in control of a heavy machine.
I've driven a lot in full size trucks and crossovers and they are quite comfortable but I don't think I would trade the exterior size and poor city maneuverability for the relatively minor increase in comfort I get. I drive 3-6 hours in my Golf to camp and don't have significant discomfort in my legs during the trips. Maybe I'm a freak because I can stretch out my legs in this car while in the driver's seat and get everything down there recombobulated. I would probably be in more pain if I was 15 years older and was driving much more than I do now though.
Small cars today are huge. I am also 6'4'' and drive a Mk7 Golf. There is more than enough room to get comfortable. Much bigger than my Mk4 from 15 years ago.
I am fanatical about applying sunscreen when I'm outside which sucks cause the one time I wasn't an insane person I got cooked. On the boat I always wear a UV shirt, brimmed hat, and gloves to ensure my hands don't get sunburned because that would be the worst. I have an open deck kayak and was sitting cross legged most of the time so I have a really interesting sunburn pattern lol.
I got fried kayaking over the weekend so I'm staying in the shade this week. Trip lasted longer than I expected and the sunscreen got washed off when we had to portage. Going to get some cleaning done while I'm out of service. Probably going to watch The Prestige while rubbing aloe on my legs.
The Dems have ran non ideal status quo candidates for so long it becomes fatiguing so people stay home or write in Snoop Dogg.
The pricing and resale structure for "full self driving" is insane and anti-consumer so I lean towards enabling the software with a jailbreak not being a horrible thing. I certainly would have no issue with this being done on a used car that had the paid "full self driving" software removed by the mothership.
There is a weekly Q/MAGA/Stop The Steal/Unmask our Children/Stop Groomers demonstration on a street corner near me and it's insane. They recently put up a BAN PORN sign. These freaks want to take away my JO material. I thought this was America.
People know posting there won't get any engagement or discussion because it's annoying to sift through the posts in the megathread talking about the megathread.
It's a good idea to change your oil every 12 months even if you don't reach the mileage for the maintenance interval. The heat cycles from the engine creates condensation in the engine and the water reacts with the petroleum in the oil and produces some not nice stuff. I haven't been reaching my interval but my car will still beep at me 30 days before the last oil monitor reset.