People who intentionally infect their children with deadly pathogens and assist in spreading disease should face criminal charges.
Ok, so I think the Democrat leaders are being spineless cowards as usual, but if I were trying to think of the strategy they are attempting here, I would say they are worried that Trump will blame the recession he is causing on the government shutdown and they don't have confidence in their counter-messaging.
If a bunch of conservatives buy Teslas to own the libs and end up accelerating the decline of ICE vehicles that would be pretty funny.
Fortunately my dad is a retired cybersecurity architect so they live as modern-day Luddites.
He hates it because Biden is supposed to be the worst president in the history of ever and Biden signed the CHIPS act so therefore it must be bad because Biden is bad. It's not more complicated than that.
Coincidentally, Trump has also never made par on his course.
I mean when the recession hits he's just going to blame Biden anyway. It doesn't matter what he says now or how many experts say that the tariffs are the cause, line go down? Biden's fault. Things get more expensive? Biden's fault. Unemployment goes up? Believe it or not, Biden's fault.
He stood on stage with gobs of horse shit flying from his mouth at record pace and media outlets are like "based on the smell of this shit, we think this is where it came from".
Oh gods, I had forgotten what a pain in the ass that setup was and how it would just randomly stop working when they changed something on their side.
Considering TASS was among the few outlets allowed to attend, I think this was a performance for an audience of one.
I work with Teams as an admin.
- Teams is a resource hog.
- Under the hood it appears to be a mess.
- The user workflow aggressively tries to prevent users from multitasking, despite many jobs requiring this.
- Product design is a shining example of the greater Microsoft philosophy of forcing customers to adapt their business to Microsoft's technology instead of having technology flexible enough to adapt to a customer's business needs.
- From an admin standpoint it has numerous questionable design decisions surrounding UC. For example, you can register non-Teams SIP phones to it, but you can't see the IP addresses of these registered devices(?!). In general, from a telephony standpoint, Teams is good at providing dial tone and some very basic telephony features, enough to make senior leadership think that it does everything, but if you need UC functionality for more than users who sit at a desk all day it falls apart quickly.
- My conversations with representatives from the product team at Microsoft suggests they are out of touch with how businesses use telephones.
It's right there in the amendment:
Donald Trump was elected twice. He is ineligible to be elected again.