No shit. I was just correcting them on the confidently incorrect assumption they made without even skimming the article.
Article plainly states it was signal, not that that is much better
Yeah I don't think it's a fair comparison. A private email server vs dming randos by accident.
Oppenheimers are good at making tiny things into huge explosions
I don't understand this post. OP mad the free support not up to their standards?
I despise discord from a user interface and business practice perspective. What a piece of shit
Fuck discord and fuck reddit.
Conspiracy theories, cool.
Because many people witnessed the scene, there was a body, etc.
The evidence for this event is .001% Trump's words.
So trump just claimed a shooter was killed? That's ludicrous
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You know sms is a type of texting but you don't know Signal? Interesting. It's an end to end encrypted chat app.