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A wooden toothpick works just as well and you run less risk damaging anything.
I got back into Magic: The Gathering and sorted all my old cards (by color, set and rarity) from 15 years ago and have now almost finished cataloguing them all digitally as well. After that I want to put together a cube.
Hard pity is at 90 wishes and soft pity starts at 75 (which means that the chance to get a 5 star increases significantly with each additional wish past that point). Getting to hard pity almost never happens.
I was wondering the same thing. I was like, yeah no shit, Sherlock.
We had our first snow this winter and my cat Rune can't decide whether to go outside or stay inside 😂
Edit: condensed my sentence
I want to improve my notifications. With that I mean emails coming from the server when updates are available when something happens during my rsync backup routines or just when they are completed and so on. Right now I don't really know when something is happening just when the server is not working anymore.
I don't get it. Are there other pronunciations for queue?
Do more voice training.
It's especially bad when he announces that an update is coming in a week and then he vanishes for months without releasing said update.
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