I don't think the administration will publicly admit his death. They'll just deepfake him and claim he can't make any appearances outside of video communication for national security reasons.
"Why do we eat the fungi that taste good and not the ones that give you explosive diarrhea?"
He'll probably be allowed to run, but just enough of his votes would mysteriously disappear to swing the election.
My conspiracy theory is it was chosen to deliberately harm the optics of environmentalists. Something with minimal useful impact and maximum inconvenience would turn people against the whole idea of environmentally friendly alternatives.
That's not how that works. It's not a DnD sphere of annihilation, it's an infinitely dense point of matter.
He never intended to build the Hyperloop. From the start, it was a lie to shut down a proposed project to build a west coast high speed rail line.
I'm sure if they take power, their first order of business would be to legalize all Nazi symbolism and drop the "we're just run of the mill conservatives" facade entirely.
The wound predates Reagan and goes back to the Civil War. Sherman had the chance to cauterize it, but he held back and let it fester, and here we are.
Yeah, something about this shift in focus feels like a psyop. We have clear evidence of targeted voter suppression, destruction of ballots, etc. In a two party system, fraudulently removing your opponent's votes has exactly the same impact as creating fake votes for yourself. That's already clear evidence of fraud, why are we redefining "evidence of fraud" as a new thing that we haven't found yet?
So it's a perfect analogy for conservatives.
The lethality is 52%. If it rips through the population, we're looking at total collapse well before the vaccine is available.
I prefer Great Value Goebbels.