
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 19 points 3 months ago

Try explaining that one after death.

"How'd you die? I got eaten by a T-Rex!"

"I, um well, I...I was going for a walk to find food and I know following this big guy who never eats the lower stuff is great, he cant reach it and the bugs that fall off the trees hes eating are great! As I was munching on a fleeing bug, the big guy burps and I looked up to see him puke. No matter how fast I tried to scurry away the goo was too much and it squished me flat"

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, hopefully you have better luck on this side"

[–] [email protected] 8 points 4 months ago

im in my 40s and feel the same as you. things like fast food dont hold the same appeal, just nostalgia wishing for the 'old taste'

[–] [email protected] 14 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

im willing to marry anyone from the usa so they get in, for a small fee of course 🤑

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 months ago

The convo has gone way off topic and is better discussed somewhere else.

Yes transphobia is a thing and needs to be discussed, just not here. drag, you got your point in/across and was rebutted. let it end here, make a thread somewhere and continue if your really want but its gone way past PC gaming and onto other issues.

im fairly easy on the moderation here as I feel its better for the community (mostly) and very little reports come in so I let everyone do their thing. im not going to remove comments or ban you, but please let it die here.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

as a ~40 year old Canadian looking from the outside at the US election

this one was crazy for sure but the last couple have been kinda out there to say the least. before the internet we Canadians always knew when it coming, but it was never covered in a 24h news cycle like now. other than daily newspaper (that was a physical unit of paper that was like social media, where we could not really choose who to follow other than politically left or right and only updated every 24h) we'd get news at 6-7pm and 11pm. then the noon news showed up. while there have always been issues between right and left, there had never been violence on the scale we see now. like Reagan getting shot, happened just after i was born, so not like it was all sunshine and rainbows but nothing like the scale that's seen now.

this could be from the mass news reporting and social media, or people have just gone off the rails. I'm guessing option 2.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 months ago

i grew up like this, but in the 80s so no screens like we know them now, just an old CRT. however my free time was scheduled and TV was not an option even tho it was free time. the only real difference is my father would beat the snot out of me if i did something wrong, bad grades, whatever.

the only positive thing i got out of all of that is i hate being late for something. id rather be 45 minutes early than 5 minutes late. I also have not spoken to my father in over 20 years now, so i guess thats also a positive.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 4 months ago

If these asshats were vacuuming stuff up instead of just blowing over to the next yard, I’d be a little less annoyed.

when i was not so poor and still owned a lawn care business, i actually had a lawn and leaf vacuum attached to trailers. they work great, blow the leaves into a pile, and suck them up. had smaller versions that were the width of a lawn mower-ish for where it was not feasible to blow. the smaller ones didnt work that well with leaves but great in the spring after spring clean up.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago (4 children)

Eren and Erin are scum, dirty names that should be scrubbed from the history books, not the people, just the name.

Right along with Arron and Aron, they are also fake names and should be deleted.

Full disclosure, my name might be Aaron

[–] [email protected] 16 points 4 months ago

i wonder if this is the same person you were worried was more popular than you at work a few months ago.

after reading some of your post history, you seem like a bitter person who will never be happy. that tells me there is so much more going on here than what you have let us believe is going on.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 5 months ago (3 children)

my dinosaur has feathers, does that help?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

i still have a brass one from the 80s that works like a charm, try brass ones maybe

[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 months ago (1 children)

i have a great program that will hide all of your money, send me a DM


Been playing fallout since, well the start, currently playing fo4 and 76.

Looking forward to the tv show, but I have low expectations, its kinda hard to adapt the game to tv, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

Finally got both fo4 and 76 to run in stupid-wide (5760x1080) however some of 76's menus are a bit wonky.

Anyways, wanted to say hi and I'm looking forward to posting here


I'm just sitting here thinking about all the hoopla around palworld right now and I was wondering what other titles out there have been in the controversy filled category in the past few years/decade? I can think of a few, but my game interests are kinda narrow.

What are some of your picks?



Well, since the last idea I had for the community crashed, burned and the ashes blew away in the wind. So for shits and giggles I'm giving 24hrs to post basically whatever.

No NSFW, or other stuff that breaks the basic rules of lemmy, just dont be me...dont be a dick.

I'm posting this pic cause im wondering if the speakers are overkill? whats not shown is the 4speaker centre channel, or the exact matching rear speakers that are the same as the fronts. Fine. You twisted my rubber arm, I'll clean and take a current pic and post it in a bit.

Lets see your setups...the 'battlestation' community here on lemmy is just a reddit repost bot and wont let original content.


Lets try our first Meme Monday and see how it goes!

Lets keep it SFW, and pc gaming related. If you think its appropriate, post it and lets find out together. If it gets lots of downvotes, I wont remove it, but that will give me a good baseline for next week.


I'll be renaming it next week, hopefully we get some more interest next week, if not, no big deal. Hit and a miss, but I'm trying!


Hello All!

Today is our first Free Friday (title change suggestions welcome)

Rules 0-3 are in effect still, however tech support, build & game suggestions/questions and just about anything else you can think of, pc gaming related, is fair game today. Please save the meme's till monday tho.

If you have a youtube channel, I dont mind you posting a single video, but its gotta be a lets-play or commentary about pc games/gaming. Please dont be posting your homies channel, or some creator you really like...lets keep this local to us for the time being.

You have an idea thats not listed above? Post it and lets find out how the community reacts, but still better follow the basic common sense rules above.

So, the first official Free Friday is now open!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A while ago I had asked everyone what their opinion on changing up the community here a little. Nothing major, but maybe drum up some other content. No shame to the regular posters, keep doing your thing, I am not trying to shut you out or even hint that I, or really anyone, objects to what you bring here.

I do however have a couple ideas for 'theme days', and any ideas you have are welcome. I am not planning on turning every day into a theme, but was thinking of - Meme Monday, where meme's are not against the rules, as long as they are PC gaming related. I was also thinking of - Free Friday, so as long as its pc related, or gaming related, its ok to post. So if you want to ask about game suggestions, tech support, or something else in the off topic side, barring NSFW, ads, spam...etc, friday is the day.

Now there are communities built around those I have suggested already out there, so if anyone feels like it would pollute our community, or have other objections, please let me know.

If there is no real pushback, tomorrow will be set for our first free friday, lets see how it goes. I'm going to learn myself how to make/get a bot to auto post as reminders when it starts and ends seeing as we don't all live in the same timezone. Since I am in western Canada, and follow mountain time, for the time being, I'll use my timezone as the 'standard' for the theme days. this may change depending on how everyone feels.


I know its not quite that simple, I'd have to make thread first, and after I get enough, make clothing out of it. Could this actually be done? I can sew, but never made my own clothing nor have I ever made thread, so I don't know if it could actually be done or not. I'm 100% sure the time and effort would not be worth it, or money spent on stuff to produce the thread, etc. But looking at my lint garbage pale made me wonder.


Normally I only have my 2 macaws and 2 parrotlets (no one wants damaged birds, so I'll keep them forever) however I have 7 new budgies now. Honestly I have zero experience with them and never had so many of one kind before. One pair is the parents of all but one of the other birds, the parents are in their own cage, and the rest are split up between 3 other cages. One of the babies was constantly chasing another around so I separated the aggressive one out. Other than that they are happy and healthy, singing up a storm as I make this post.


What the hell do I do with 7 budgies man? They are super cute, much bigger than my parrotlets, and I really don't mind their song, but damn that's a lot of birds! If I let them fly free in the house, will they continue to fight all the time? Are they scrapping cause there are too many in a cage? My macaws and parrotlets are free to roam the house all day and not caged at all, plus the little ones don't even get their cage locked at night. I don't really like the idea of the budgies being locked up at all, but again, I have no idea about that flavor of bird so if anyone has some advice, I'll take it.


So, kids are gone, ex and I are no longer together (hence ex i guess lol) and I still find I over cook, I try to use less but it seems if I cook much more than a box of macaroni its too much. Sure I save leftovers, but one can only eat so much leftovers.

How have you dealt with over cooking? Or maybe I'm the only one?


So we have been around for a little while now and I was wondering what everyone's thoughts are for our little community. Do you have any ideas for changes, do you like it the way it is, should we open up the rules a bit, or maybe I should activate the delete button more often?

I currently have no plans to change things up, its been a super easy job being a mod here. Please don't take this as I'm looking to overhaul the community at all, just want to know what you all think about the future of PC Gaming. Thoughts and suggestions are welcome

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