Messaging apps, calendar, the ringer for phone calls, my Lemmy app ( although Connect for Lemmt seems hit and miss on delivering notifications, which is fine by me.)
Blueberry just chilling there in the corner the whole time, secure in their berry-ness
If I could get there that fast, I'd be curious to check out Mars for a few hours. Maybe from inside a shelter with big windows?
An all-inclusive resort, located somewhere warm with a beach.
I didn't see where you had said moving to a different apartment is impossible. Or that there aren't any spaces anywhere you have access to that is acceptable for a nap. I haven't read every word written here
Yes, find somewhere to nap, or if possible find an apartment with quieter neighbors
If custom molded earplugs are painful, then something went wrong. They should fit with no pressure but also no gaps. I've slipped while wiggling my set in place, that's the only pain I've had with them
On the earplugs front, custom molded earplugs cost a lot, but are amazing for blocking out noise without hurting.
You'd need someone versed in your local laws to go over what options you may have that way. They might have told you off because your problem was too small?
But what I can think of is to move out.
Find a more agreeable apartment. Or, find places in your daily routine where you can get a good nap without getting in trouble or endangering yourself.
Maybe pre-vandalize it to take the fun out of it?
Surely there can be some symbol or obvious modification to let people know when you own a Tesla but disown the talking head at the top.
That group you overheard were reinforcing their excuses for ignoring the needs of their child along with the needs of the mom, and reinforcing beliefs that have overwhelming evidence of being false.
Kids needs dads in their lives, the earlier the better. Moms need dads to help out and support them.
You're not taking time off work to laze about, you're switching from one job to take on several related jobs for a while so that you,your child, and your woman have a brighter future than any amount of money could buy.
You're only missing out on taking the easy, shortsighted route. You're missing out on ignoring the future cost your family has to pay in or for you to get back to the familiar routine of work as soon as possible. You're missing out on staying with the known game of work to avoid taking on something new.
You're not missing out, they are.