
joined 7 months ago

. In this paper, we present a concept for a new class of quasi-isodynamic (QI) stellarators leveraging HTS technology to overcome well-known challenges of a tokamak. This class of QI-HTS stellarators, labeled Stellaris, is shown to achieve an extensive set of desirable properties for reactor candidates simultaneously for the first time, offering a compelling path toward commercially viable fusion energy. (…)

The physics design point proposed in this study provides a maximum of 2.7 GW of fusion energy, which – together with power multiplication in the blanket – results in about 3.1 GW of thermal power for the plant. It is worth noting that the machine presented here will similarly be able to operate at lower total power, though likely at the cost of economic attractiveness. We estimate a required regular maintenance interval of four to six years for scheduled component substitutions, given structural degradation of the first wall. (…)

Stellaris is a first-of-a-kind concept for a high-field, QI stellarator fusion power plant. It combines significant physics performance improvements, an integrated and self-consistent engineering feasibility study, and novel concepts for key subsystems and operations. Due to the QI symmetry of the magnetic field, Stellaris is designed to operate as an intrinsically steady-state device without disruptions. (…)

. Until now, no single consistent stellarator reactor study has been presented that fulfills all relevant performance aspects of stellarator configuration simultaneously, including an engineering feasibility analysis that builds credibility for a reactor candidate. This paper aims to address this gap, suggesting a new stellarator concept alongside a broad range of analyses targeted at indicating viability for a power plant prototype.

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

The Russian economy will collapse, sooner or later.

I agree, but think it's later. Russia needs to lose on the battlefield as well before they stop the war.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

Bring back forum signatures.

Thankfully Lemmy supports animated avatars already.

~T~~h~~e~~r~~e~ ~a~~r~~e~ ~n~~o~ ~s~~t~~u~~p~~i~~d~ ~q~~u~~e~~s~~t~~i~~o~~n~~s~~.~ ~J~~u~~s~~t~ ~s~~t~~u~~p~~i~~d~ ~p~~e~~o~~p~~l~~e~~.~

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 weeks ago

HIV denialism

Because of widespread use PREP/PEP, there's a growing number of people who stopped using any protection including the aforementioned meds..

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 weeks ago

Exactly, it can go bat -> livestock/pet -> human just as well.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 weeks ago (2 children)

For your next psychedelic trip, think about your gut microbiome.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago

how Europe should have done during and after WWII

During the same decade Palestinians were displaced in 1948 and Jews were expelled from Muslim countries, millions (Germans, Poles, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, etc.) were displaced in Europe. Today their descendants aren't counted as refugees. Poles don't blow up buses in Lviv today. Neither do Germans shoot rockets into Czechia. People lost everything, built new lives, and got over it.

connection between European Antisemitism and Christian Zionism

That exists, but is an alliance of convenience, not friendship. Christian Antisemitism, failure of assimilation, and escalating persecution was the reason Zionism was established in the first place. Jews had to flee Europe or face extinction. Most had no choice but to go to their ancestral homeland.

The mass ethnic cleansing campaign of 1948:

I was referring to how this happened in practice. Many Arab Palestinians had fled their homes before the fighting even started. The well off wanted to sit out the war in Beirut, Cairo, and Damascus. Arab radio had called for civilians to evacuate and wait at a safe place for the inevitable Arab victory. Most had left before Operation Nachshon started. Not every village or town was forcibly cleared. The news of one massacre or destroyed village spread fast and people understandably fled. Most villages that were destroyed, were destroyed after the war to prevent the refugees from returning.

Plan Dalet

Read the original text yourself, instead of relying on misrepresentation after the fact.

It would have meant the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians within the area defined as the “Jewish State”

You are so incredibly misinformed by only reading one sided narrative.

Here the original UN resolution 181. Page 138 Chapter 3.1

  1. Citiz1mship. Palestinian citizcns rcsiding in l'alestine outside the City of Jerusalem, as well as Arabs and Jews who, not holding Palestinian citi- zenship reside in Palestine outside the City of Jeru- salem shall, upon the recognition of indepcndenc~, become citizcns of the State in which they are rcsi- dent and enjoy full civil and political rights. Per- sons over the age of eighteen years may opt, within one year from the date of recognition of indepen- dence of the State in which they reside, for citizen- ship of the other State, provicling that no Arab residing in the arca of the proposed Arab State shall have the right to opt for citizcnship in the proposed Jewish State and no Jew resicling in the proposcd Jewish State shall have the right to opt for citizen- ship in the proposed Arab State. The exercise of this right of option will be taken to include the wives and cliildren under eightccn years of age of persons so opting.

Arabs rcsiding in the arca of the proposed Jewish State and Jews residing in the area of the proposed Arab State who have signed a notice of intention to opt for citizcnship of the other State shall be cli- ~ble to vote in the clections to the Constituent As- sembly of that State, but not in the clections to the Constituent Assembly of the State in which they reside.

I highly recommend actually reading the UN resolutions and other documents as they are often misrepresented in the media by both sides.

second-class citizens

Yes, there's discrimination in Israel against Arabs. Similar to discrimination against minorities around the world.

Benny Morris considers Ethnic Cleansing justified

More like he sees it as inevitable. The Jews in Palestine were surrounded by numerically superior forces and feared being exterminated. They did what they had to to ensure their own survival.


Peace comes from mutual understanding of the other side.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago

Of course everyone who doesn't want to see Israel destroyed is an evil Zionist. Ignore everything else. /s

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago

Of course everyone who doesn't want to see Israel destroyed is an evil Zionist. Ignore everything else. /s

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 weeks ago (3 children)

Russia has been steadily and slowly gaining territory over the last year.

If the Russia had to switch to defending territory without gaining anything more, how would it push for a victory before its economy collapsing?

The current attempt is Trump. It's doubtful the Russian economy will collapse any time soon. They still have some slack and the Russian population could suffer far more. Their strategy after the first couple of months was to outlast Ukraine and its supporters. The moaning about costs in the countries supporting Ukraine is only growing. Russia has a firm lid on all opposition.

Nobody is doing the same for the Russia


[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

Any type of grass or non poisonous vegetation works.

Not so easy during winter.

You can't just leave them grazing wherever. Mines and artillery kill them just as well.

Some fodder will need to be brought in for them.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Mules are used in many militaries by the mountain troops. Only they can navigate small trails high up and transport cargo.


Putins nützliche Idioten machen was sie angekündigt haben.


TV series version of the classic Victor Hugo novel.

Class, war, class war, crime, punishment, rehabilitation, merry, cruelty, revenge, order, revolution, racism, religion, love, death, meaning of life, this story covers it all.

This is not a musical.

Available for free on in English, French, German, might require VPN to France or Germany.

Shtisel (

Shtisel tells a slice of life family story set among ultra orthodox (haredim) Jews in Jerusalem, centered on the Shtisel family headed by patriarch Rabbi Shtisel. Romance, forbidden love, friendship, and family relations are shown in a society with very strict rules about everything.

It's really good at showing the values and strengths, as well as the limits and weaknesses, of such strict way of living. The show gave me a better understanding of why people follow religions and what we might have lost in modern secular society. Even if the rules fail, are broken, or cause harm, they always come from a deep sense of love for humans and their condition.

These very religious Jews use technology as sparingly as possible, which is also a good contrast to how most people live nowadays. It makes their lives slower, but also more immediate, aware, and direct.

The meaning of life, family, humans, our relations with each other, daily struggles, and similar themes are approached in a thoughtful way.

If you know of a show that gives insights into Islam in a similar way, I would love to hear about it.

Available on for free in Hebrew (and some Yiddish) with German and French subtitles. Might require VPN.

Shtisel (

Shtisel tells a slice of life family story set among ultra orthodox (haredim) Jews in Jerusalem, centered on the Shtisel family headed by patriarch Rabbi Shtisel. Romance, forbidden love, friendship, and family relations are shown in a society with very strict rules about everything.

It's really good at showing the values and strengths, as well as the limits and weaknesses, of such strict way of living. The show gave me a better understanding of why people follow religions and what we might have lost in modern secular society. Even if the rules fail, are broken, or cause harm, they always come from a deep sense of love for humans and their condition.

These very religious Jews use technology as sparingly as possible, which is also a good contrast to how most people live nowadays. It makes their lives slower, but also more immediate, aware, and direct.

The meaning of life, family, humans, our relations with each other, daily struggles, and similar themes are approached in a thoughtful way.

If you know of a show that gives insights into Islam in a similar way, I would love to hear about it.

Available on for free in Hebrew (and some Yiddish) with German and French subtitles. Might require VPN.


A pretty good animated show for adults. It plays into themes around psychedelic mushrooms and evil big pharma conspiracy theories.

It's made by some of the same people as the masterpiece Scavenger's Reign.

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