
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

I like that though

[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I like Mildred. Such a shame that names go 'out of date'.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago

I think names would actually be more meaningful if people picked their own.

[–] [email protected] 37 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I remember as a kid in my area this game was called Toilets.

If you got caught you were a toilet and had to stand with your arm out until someone pushed on it and said 'flush.'

I miss the toilet game haha

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

I liked it at 11. Used to annoy teachers doodling eagles and owls on absolutely everything.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

What species is this mohawked cutie pie?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago

Birds are awesome. Loved them even as a kid when it was hopelessly uncool.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

I don't look for things to be either angry or grateful about I just get on with life. I respect that gratitude works for you. Personally I find forcing gratitude just drains me. I find I do best just accepting that sometimes I'm angry or stressed and that those are signs telling me something.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago (2 children)

I don't own a gun. I'm from a country where it's not an option. To assume makes an ASS out of u and me.

Your point is bullshit. Not all people are good. Rapists exist. Serial killers exist. I'd like some options if I ever ran into one.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 9 months ago (6 children)

Guns would at least cause some difficulty oppressing people.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I'm a nihilist. I wasn't thinking of God.

IDK. I respect that gratitude works for others. I personally am not a fan because I feel we have the normal range of emotions for a good reason.

For example: Anger motivates us to leave an exploitative job or an abusive relationship. Gratitude might very well keep someone in that relationship or in a job where they end up herniating a disk...because instead of being angry enough to leave they tell themselves 'I'm so lucky! Other people have it worse!'

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

^probably this.


...how on one hand there's a male loneliness epidemic and women are partly to blame because we're so picky - and yet on the other hand things like this.

How can we both be desperately needed for your emotional health but also be huge annoying burdens? I don't get it.


This song made me legitimately berserk. I haven't had that much of an adrenaline rush from a song since I was 13 and just discovered metal.


I'm doing one on 20 October at 6pm Dublin time.

If it's dry I shall play outdoors and you can see some of Southern Ireland as well as the ocean.

Zoom may cut out at 40 minutes. If that happens just wait a period of 2-3 minutes and I'll restart.

Zoom ID: 672 388 6378

Passcode: W95u7W


Is it possible we could get some feature where people can livestream? I really miss Reddit Sessions but they were very clear it’s not being reinstated.

If it’s not possible or too expensive I apologize - I just thought I’d ask.



Smoke spills out past the tavern door The wail of a violin calls Why don't you play you say The pieces wait in neat lines

Queen Luna rises above the moor I move to meet your white pawn I see the hemlock you mixed with that red wine

All of this was a blunder of mine You can't take back your words Pour out the ocean and sunder the sky

I feign to sip from the poisoned wine I fail to see the branched lines I send my queen where rook waits on poised open file

Queen Luna lours spreads her fell white wings I hear the death howl they sing I load a shotgun with silver They are waiting outside

All of this was a blunder of mine You can't take back your words Pour out the ocean and sunder the sky


I just went to go to bed and there was a god damn big ass cellar spider waiting for me above my pillow. Too rattled to sleep now.

Thanks eight legged motherfucker. Thank you from the bottom of my adrenal glands.


I'd feel a bit silly just posting umpteen songs of my own so I've held off, feel free to post yours!


Sometimes when I log in, I see someone else's username! I just logged in and for a few seconds I saw 'PapaMac' instead of Voran


I absolutely love this, honestly like it more than the original. It's impressive how she can get such luxurious sound out of a purely treble instrument.


Anyone who plays the ukulele, please come join!

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


I ventured deep in the ocean, down to the dark plains

I felt the weight of the water upon my back

I swam to a fearsome place where no light penetrates

I gave in to the yawning abyssal black

I heard her fingers pluck the strings of a bone lyre

I lost all thought, caught in the whirling of the ocean gyre

The siren has drugged me, she's taken my will away

She's taken the red that was once my rage and pain

I felt her voice in my sinew, the nerve cords of my spine

My bones dissolved, oneiroid changes took hold

My skin swirled blue-grey, my limbs became serpentine

My neck split to form gills, I no longer felt the murderous cold

Her fingers danced wildly on the strings of a bone lyre

I was lost to the world, to the whirling of the ocean gyre

The siren has drugged me, she's taken my will away

She's taken the red that was once my rage and pain

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