
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 9 points 13 hours ago

You most likely have a number of credit inquiries on your account now. The bad news is that it hurts your credit score. The good news is that they go away over the course of a few years to five years. I'd do a lot of research before getting another card. Get a basic one. I use mine for modest purchases like groceries. Credit cards also benefit from purchase protection, and serious tradeoffs like Rewards, which come from transaction fees (which in turn tend to raise prices on all goods that accept credit cards. There's no such thing as a free lunch).

You shouldn't be maxing your credit anyways, so 5k should be fine. Pay it off every month, the interest rate is insanely high if you fall behind. It's better to get a loan from a bank for massive purchases.

Ps- I wouldn't get a card that has annual charges, unless you are doing like, a shitload of foreign transactions whose transaction fees exceed the cost of the annual CC fee. Usually this doesn't pencil out unless you are Canadian and there's an American Costco a 25 minute drive from your place near the border.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 13 hours ago

It's because he's a massive cunt. It's been scientifically proven on multiple occasions. He also is a dirty little couchfucker. Don't believe a word he says.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I'm guessing pesticide usage is probably killing a lot more bugs than we realize. Bees are one of a number of pollinators. Wasps, moths, bats, hummingbirds, and other creatures also play a role.

Between destruction of habitat, overuse of pesticides, and climate change making things hotter/drier/easier for diseases to spread, I think those are probably the main factors.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 days ago (1 children)

That, and gold actually has properties that make it useful, like not oxidizing and being a good conductor. It still has value even if it was otherwise worthless as a currency

[–] [email protected] 9 points 4 days ago

Stuff like ski boots, too. Men and women apparently have muscle groups placed in slightly different areas, so the boots are sculpted differently to account for that.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 4 days ago

I'm glad he likes to stay anonymous. Fame can be a burden.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Do you twist the ball to change whether it's a split or steal? I noticed her twisting the ball when he wasn't looking.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

A missed opportunity to paint herself painting herself while she painted herself. I love a bit of recursion :3

[–] [email protected] 13 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Okay, this isn't about the BS arrest, but if you are taking 30+ minutes to unsuccessfully take a shit:

Get yourself a Fleet enema, it will make you shit like a horse in 10 minutes, guaranteed. You can find them in drugstores and it will leave you clean.

Two, you really should be eating at least 30g of chia seeds a day, they are high in fiber and will help avoid bowel-distending events before they start. Put them in a smoothie or on yogurt. Or take metamucil if you can stand the taste.

Three, you should talk to your doctor about distended bowels and profound constipation. If you aren't taking a shit for a few days to a week, you might be damaging your colon, which is bad on many levels.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 days ago

I love the idea of using it, but between getting married, looking for better jobs, and maintaining friendships, I haven't found the time to study for the amateur radio exam, which appears to be considerable.

GMRS is $35 and a license so that I can use a radio with my family, husband, and licensed friends while skiing or mountain biking, making localized communication easy, while the cert process was mostly friction free (looking at you, ancient FCC website and the guides needed to figure out licensing- something less dedicated people forgo, hint hint). The friction for getting ham licensed makes it difficult for young people who don't have much time for additional hobbies.

I do hope it's around when I'm older and (hopefully) have more free time!

[–] [email protected] 34 points 5 days ago (3 children)

Judging by all the shark card crap they jammed into the last GTA, I fully expect them to shovel a bunch of crap in to make more money: $70 base games, deluxe editions, DLC, micro transactions, social club integration, required internet connections, all of it.

I miss the old GTAs before they got greedy.


Sounds like this might be a good option for people with Juiced bikes.


We were on Haz 7 on Fori Prime last night, and we easily killed well in excess of 300-600 bugs per diver, multiple bile titans, half a dozen+ chargers, etc.

They just never stopped spawning. We leveled half the city with strategems, arc throwers and flamethrowers and they just kept coming as if the spawners were broken. Are these levels OP for anyone else?

I've played for 160 hours and have never seen anything like this before.


Luckily, they are delicious and almost free.

The beach (pawb.social)

I know the new admin isn't gonna do great things, but the money is already spent and a lot of people have already started (or in some cases, finished) these projects.

The work that has been done over the past four years has set into motion great changes for decades to come, and empowered local areas to now build on the vision and infrastructure set out by the outgoing administration. :)




Hello! I've had a watercooled PC for a number of years, but more recently it's been difficult to find EKWB Cryofluid Clear at reasonable prices. I'm thinking of switching to something like Mayhem's x1 coolant, or Alphacool's eiswater.

Any suggestions? Will it matter that some old fluid might still be trapped in a rad even after a flush? I'm hoping to not do a full teardown.

I'm thinking about going with this:


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