One party is filled with actual Nazis, the other party believes in appeasement at their best and outright collaboration at their worst... They are our "political rivals" the way the Nazis were the political rivals of the Jews.
They are not our political rivals, they are the enemies of the peasant working class. Their deluded peasant supporters are our political rivals, and I'm not advocating for removing them... Except in self defense
I wish that was true, but I think the Dems have made it clear that for them, the oligarchy makes the wind
Very true... How could we intercept those donations and direct them towards something progressive?
I feel like getting rid of the coke head is probably a pretty important step in the overall plan though.
They don't do the job they were voted in to do. They work for the same oligarchy as the Republicans. They are also inside trading criminals. I think the majority of potential voters ARE progressive (whether they realize it or not) and that's why so many sit out the elections... Because there's no one to vote for who will actually do the job they want them to do.
I'd be okay with him going after Pelosi and the rest of the Dem shills... Maybe they'll do the dirty work and we can start replacing them with progressives who will actually fight for the peasants
I wish we could see actual number of votes cast by each at m demographic... These stats could also be explained by the lower turnout, not necessarily more people voting for Trump in each demographic.
2020: 8 Trump, 12 Biden=60% for Biden...
2024: 8 Trump, 4 Kamala= 33% Kamala
Trump still got the same number of votes but it looks like he "doubled" his support
There were 3 choices... Nazis, Nazi collaborators, no non-nazis to vote for so not gonna vote
The powers that be are in on it
The stupid ones are angry too... They're just so stupid they are angry at the wrong things/people
If only there was a way to build some kind of vertical parking lot... Maybe even several levels... And then put the apartments above that
Honestly, imo, areas of strictly commercial/industrial parking should be illegal... Put housing or solar over them