Publicly traded companies misrepresenting their finances, especially to this claimed extent, are not tolerated and are dealt with harshly.
People seem to be missing what this is doing. It's generating video of gameplay based on 10 seconds of actual gameplay. It learns from that and then can make up to 1min of generated gameplay video. It's not actually making game worlds in the sense that you can sit down and play's generating video.
What blank cheques exactly?
The ones where USAID literally just approved every single thing that came into their inbox.
It seems like the USA government didn't even have a real budget, they just kept handing out money to all the NGOs that threw most of it back their (the politicians) way. They definitely don't have an auditable budget.
Is there massive waste in the defense industry? Absolutely - and DOGE will get there. They've been at the job for like 2 weeks, they haven't gotten to every single nook and cranny.
I think you might need to do a bit of reading and research about the Pokemon TCG market. They should be pouring as much money as they can into it. With their brand name and reach they should be able to get a lot of stock from suppliers, and it can make them massive, massive profit. Pokemon TCG is the hottest product on the market, with new stuff selling for 4x RRP on day 1.