Newsflash: He can't do it. The Supreme Court would have to block it. If he does it to Tesla vandals then he can do it to anyone ... including Supreme Court judges. The SC judges are not that stupid ... anymore. It seems like one or two of them have spit Trumps balls out of their mouth.
We need a democratic party that fights ... just that .. that will do something besides just expose their belly.
This is like rooting for the villain. Ok, whatever ... Disney is cool again.
It won't.. they will bail it ot with taxpayer money. Like it or not every US citizen will buy some Telsa stock (but never own it). Capitalism for thee, but communism for me if the business fails.
Multimillionaires will work, as long as they are over 5-10 million and either exploit workers or meddle in politics they can work as fertilizer.
I got banned for posting pics on Luigi. Not the CEO killer (but that is what I meant), but the actual image from Mario Kart.
Well, if you don't live in a city shit is about to get bad. Public education was basically one key thing keeping the US as a first world nation.
Guess what. They are stupid as fuck.
Musk: "The fundamental weakness is empathy" Also Musk: "Why are people so mean to me"
Well, that is because he is.
Why not let people know where the billionaires are at any given time?
Shit, that would make a good subscription service.
Clarification: That way people could hold up protest signs at them. This is all it would be used for.
Fuck it, just don't eat eggs.