How is a screen saver supposed to do anything to prevent burn in from games that have static images like the UI in an MMO or the scoreboard in a sports game?
It's America that needs to catch up the most, atleast the EU doesn't allow Steams predatory refund practices.
Bro, you're in their habitat... don't want to get sunk then don't go there.
They aren't killing off their own games tho. Players were more than happy to shame other players into changing their review back to positive and just keep playing.
I'm so glad that we are moving away from screens that will last 20+ years to screens that will be in a landfill after 2 years because of burn in.
You can tell this was made by a salty neo lib
Meanwhile people who bought the game and invested time in it can no longer play because Sony delisted the game in their country.
The bear also isn't going to rape you and I would say the chances of the bear eating you and the man eating you are the same.
I said Yacht, not a sail boat.
Because it's better?
Is steam going to refund the hundreds of hours of life someone wasted on a game they can no longer play due to the country they live in?
Maybe Valve should tell Sony to give access back to those players or kick Sony off Steam.