Imo I don't think the goal is/should be "every part is repairable by any average person without tools" tbh. Like that would be awesome but it also isn't realistic, like you said phones are super complicated. But making simple repairs – stuff like swapping a battery – possible for anybody is realistic imo, and then the rest should be as easy to repair as possible for local shops or someone who does have the necessary skills and equipment. At least personally I feel like that's a good spot to aim for.
It does work with Firefox plugins, there just isn't a button to open the extension "store" in the extensions settings page like stock Firefox has. You can add them by manually going to the url though, it's just recommended that you don't since that increases your risk of adding a malicious plugin or being fingerprinted, etc. I still added a few plugins that I really dislike not having though, like a password manager and darkreader, just because I valued the convenience slightly more than the added security.
Yeah, I think personally LLMs are fine for like writing a single function, or to rubber duck with for debugging or thinking through some details of your implementation, but I'd never use one to write a whole file or project. They have their uses, and I do occasionally use something like ollama to talk through a problem and get some code snippets as a starting point for something. Trying to do too much more than that is asking for problems though. It makes it way harder to debug because it becomes reading code you haven't written, it can make the code style inconsistent, and a non-insignifigant amount of the time even in short code segments it will hallucinate a non existent function or implement something incorrectly, so using it to write massive amounts of code makes that way more likely.
Yeah, I think the warning signs were always there, especially the whole "threating a black guy with a fucking shotgun" incident, but people hated Oz (for obvious reasons) and were super excited for a down to earth, progressive, everyday person. He has said the stroke made him more conservative, but honestly he was always kinda a rascist asshole and just used the veneer of an everday working class Philadelphian for optics imo. Even so, he's a massive disappointment and I really hope PA can primary him in ~~2026~~ 2028 for an actual progressive.
I personally used spotdl when I wanted to transfer my music off of Spotify. It does unfortunately only download from YouTube which means its not 100% successful, it missed a handful of songs for me and 1 or 2 had an incorrect version altogether (like 10 hour loops, etc.). Overall it was like more than 99% correct for my playlist of around 2000 songs though, and its super easy to use especially in either a python or shell script since its a python library with a cli built in. There are definitely other options I don't know about, some of which are probably better tbh, but spotdl has been good enough for me personally at least.
Same thing here. I was always vaguely left wing/pro FOSS/etc, but joining Lemmy introduced me to solarpunk and a much more anarchist/radical community in general. Since I started using Lemmy during the reddit API stuff I pretty quickly went from wishing I ate less meat -> vegetarian -> vegan and from vaguely anti-capitalism -> anarchist. Now I'm learning to hand mend my clothes and joining local mutual aid groups lol.
Just posting about bad things happening shouldn't be the limit of what action people take (unless that's all they can do obviously), but it's also far from completely pointless to try and spread awareness of stuff like anarchism/anti-capitalism or ways you can make an impact/support others. Movements and ideas can't spread if no one is talking about them. Plus posting about actual concrete actions you can do is super useful to anyone who wants to do something but doesn't know how to start.
Youtube is the one google service I still can't give up lol. PeerTube is awesome, but long-form video platforms feel like they suffer from a lack of content way more than any other social media imo. At least there's newpipe for the time being (except whenever google changes something to screw with them).
Have you tried organic maps as a google maps replacement at all? I've been using it for a while now and honestly it works extremely well most of the time.