damn, you're right. India then, maybe? i don't know how reliable the Indian market is, because i don't know much about India (Bharat? when are they going through with the name change)
the EU should put all these companies through the fucking WRINGER. better yet, the States can help regulate them! imagine all the power massive tech corpos would lose if the EU and the US worked together to bring them down. then the EU's regulations would also apply basically anywhere else, since tech companies watch the US market the closest (and they can't afford to lose this market unless they... idk, move to China)
it seems like every other week i discover that a trait i have is actually an autistic trait. my mind was blown when i first found out that kids tip-toeing can be a sign of them being on the autism spectrum (i'm diagnosed with Asperger's and i was a tip-toeing kid)!
thankfully, i'm way too tired to read a potentially long paper. sorry, you would've been better without that manipulative title :(
i don't understand why people are still anti-abortion in general, but even for those who are completely against it, why not allow it in extreme cases like medical reasons, rape, and incest? surely your god wouldn't want a young girl raped by her father to give birth to her own child-sibling who's definitely going to be all kinds of genetically and mentally fucked up?
i thought the crying guy was Hatsune Miku at first LOL