But, no kind of punishments right? These "legal residents" want the best of both worlds. They want to cause chaos on campuses, protest a country that gave them a better life, and then cry that they don't deserve to be punished. It's ridiculous. Go to any other country on Earth and do the things these students did, and see how long you last..
In another country? Can I go to South Korea, where she's from, and cause chaos on a college campus without any kind of repercussions?
Oh brother... those were illegal immigrants, criminals. Relax, you'll be fine.
Democrats and liberals are pissed! Lol..
Only in the US, can someone come here, get residency, and then protest against that same country that gave you a chance. It's just crazy.
Here we go with the "Democrats can do no wrong..." speech...
Silly. How horrible is your life? What freedoms have you lost? Are you in prison for questioning Trump?
"My side didn't win, so let's sabotage everything!" Sincerely, Democrats.
Okay, bruh.
Translation: "Leave those poor homeless people alone, it's not THEIR fault they're committing crimes to feed their addictions."
Oh brother... leave up to Liberals to want hardcore rapists and murderers to stay in the US... they're only doing this because it's Trump.. and we both know it.
Oh geez... let us know when you're leaving this terrible country.. for greener pastures...