Cycling as a societal mode of transport deprives capitalist automakers, oil companies, banks, and insurance companies of immense income. The right wing is extremely fervently capitalist and defends the capitalist class maniacally. That is why they defend harmful societal planning that funnels wealth to the capitalist class.
Majority held views among the population are in support of Gazan genocide and withholding all food from entering Gaza. The settler society at all levels understands its interests demand genocide.
Depends on how you define conservatives? If you categorize the entire US political spectrum as conservatives (and economically, they are), then sure. In the prevalent usage of the term, that's not true, because liberals are just as much a barrier because they are capitalists. The entire US political spectrum is ideologically liberal save for a few fascists on the right, and both are capitalist ideologies.
Urban planning issue
What is standing in the way is capitalism
A few streets on a mountain can and should have a grocery store. For the occasional specialized needs, rural residents can use comparatively inefficient modes of transport because of their relatively small number. There's still a huge margin for better efficiency and planning.