
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

It depends heavily on where you live.

Where I grew up, the main concern was that snow piled up quickly during heavy storms. Most people knew how to deal with it and would be fine, but the incompetent people (who to be very clear aren't always new to the area...) made things extremely dangerous for everyone else. Doesn't matter if you're an expert at driving in the snow if some asshat with worn out 3-season tires plows into you and injures you. But we had the infrastructure to withstand cold and snow, even if most of it was old and janky. The human aspect of it was a little messed up (plow drivers making min wage and working max legal hours, people being left to shovel 3-4ft of heavy plow walls in their driveway, etc) but they managed to deal with it. Core things like power and gas were mostly buried and kept working so you could stay warm at home, and homes were designed for temps well below freezing.

Long time ago I did experience a blizzard in Wyoming. Holy crap, like nothing else I've experienced. We literally couldn't see the road 20 feet in front of us at times. You get snow-blind if you stare at it too long. We saw so many cars that had driven off the road on accident because they lost track of where the pavement was.

I live in Portland OR now, we don't get many blizzards but our ice storms are rough. If we get snow people stay home if they can, it rarely lasts longer than a few days before it all melts.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Same, feels very uncomfortable to confront personally. Ooof size: collosal.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago

Seconded. Learned this the hard way. Even using a microfiber to scrub it on won't help because bkf has grit/grit-like stuff in it that can wear down and flake off the coating.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Process affinity for anxiety set to 16/16 cores all days all hours

Process affinity for literally anything else is determined by adhd rolling a d20, the result is your one and only process thread for the next 5 minutes unless it rolls a nat 1 then you get 16 for 5 mins. Also you'd better hope the result isnt 17-20 cause if it is that shits soooo goooone lol

[–] [email protected] 5 points 9 months ago

I have a foot pedal button assigned to mute my microphone.

(And no, I don't stream or anything, purely a QoL thing 😆)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

Oof, yeah I'm pretty picky about some keybinds and games that lock down keys can be almost unplayable.

Helldivers 2 doesn't let you remap interact to F (which is the only muscle memory interact key I can use) and I haaaaate that so much. I had to get a workaround just to fix it.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (2 children)

Advertising campaigns that straight up lie ("now you're cooking with gas" and that kind of shit) don't help. Nor do the substantial natural gas subsidies that some states offer ng suppliers.

Then again, it's only been very recent that electric induction ranges in north americ have been offered at sane price points. Up until recently it wasn't easy to find an induction range for under $1k, whereas now it's a bit more realistic.

People also get unreasonably attached to their cheapo $25 nonstick (even if it was marked up to $200 with some bougie brand name) and will refuse to ditch it for actual quality cookware when they find out that their $25 pan isn't induction compatible.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

I hear you. I want to be positive about this because I want to keep playing, and the reversal (for now) makes me OK with doing so.

But Sony has a horrid track record. Edit - so does Msoft, people often forget how bad both of them are.

I also expect they'll try to work it back in somehow to capture more revenue and/or data. If it's not this again in a stealthier form, then it'll be something similar. No crossplay without PSN or no credit store without PSN, something like that.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago

Exactly, Sony played bait-and-switch tactics. If the requitement had been there from launch, people just wouldn't have been able to buy it and would have stayed away.

But this forced people to throw away money, or at least try to get a refund for the base game.

Not sure if those stupid credits were refunded to people who were gonna get screwed by this but I doubt it (yet another reason never to do micro transactions).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Hmmm, I've never noticed what you mentioned on my recent phones. That said you should test a newer android yourself before making a purchase!

More of my personal experience... I have a Pixel 7 XL and a work Iphone which (edit) is an Iphone 12. Generally they are the same in terms of having no scroll lag or input lag at all. But, there is some lag on both when they are overheated, especially on the Iphone if I put it on a higher power charger (I trickle charge both when I can).

From a design perspective the biggest difference I notice is that my Pixel feels significantly smoother because of the 120hz display, and just the larger display in general. While I said neither of them have much lag, the Iphone feels noticeably less speedy. That said, I'm sure if you compared my Pixel to a high end Iphone results would be flipped. My work isn't shelling out for whatever pro max stuff they sell (and neither would I!).

Beyond that, I can't offer guidance. In my personal experience the Iphone UI is so frustrating that I can't judge which one performs "better" or not, because only the Android feels comfortable to me. Between that and the lack of labels in some places (like the pull-down settings menu) it is impossible for me to daily drive the apple.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Democrats touting a road widening project... why celebrate a carbrained regressive idea. No it's not murdering people in Gaza or Ukraine but seriously folks, not the right move. May be democrats in name but not progressive in practice. That's increasingly why I'm frustrated with dems and the two-party shit system.

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