
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 40 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Man, fraggles really do love radish though.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Don't know if I'd say "people" want more of this. Me, a nearly middle aged adult does, but the traditional battle system is more than enough for their primary audience who are children.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 weeks ago

More education is definitely needed - that's the stage the movement is at. But you (whoever is reading this) could be the one to educate people. The emphasis of most of these local chapters is education, and they'll teach you how, where, and when to educate people.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 weeks ago (2 children)

Reminder that the system doesn't have to be two party. Ranked choice voting (aka single transferable vote), proportional representation - these things increase political competition by making more parties mathematically possible and give us greater control over our government.

It's already been implemented in some States and municipalities across the country. If yours isn't one of them, it could be. There are several orgs trying to get this done such as Rank The Vote. Check to see if you have a local chapter and how you can help them!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Millie Bobby Brown actually has (or had) this going on due to her filming Stranger Things during formative years. It's really fascinating to listen to this weird halfway point between the two. You can hear it well here:

A particularly interesting point is around ~1:10 where she's been largely using her American accent, but she uses the word after, but instead of starting the word with the TRAP vowel we would expect, she uses the BATH vowel instead owing to her original British accent. But I think what's even more interesting is that when she does this, it doesn't sound like she swapped back to her British accent for a single word - it sounds much more like someone with a general American accent doing an impression of a British person saying the word after!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (2 children)

That sounds fascinating. If I were interested in those shows, where would I start? Are there at least some that are easily listenable to on the open internet?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

I will never entertain the argument of the person you replied to and your post is exactly why. The originally story being divided into three pieces, is in itself not an actual problem. It could potentially cause other problems, but whether or not it actually does is completely separate.

Remake took me 80 hours to complete (to my non-completionist satisfaction) and had a clear and satisfying beginning middle and end. On this front, I don't know what you could realistically complain about.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Sorry for the double reply, but another useful perspective in this is derogation. I often forget this idea because I'm very class minded, but it's also very important. This is the idea that a culture can be profited off of while simultaneously despising the people that practice it. In practice, this exists as a business around a specific cultural item succeeding specifically because the business is NOT owned/operated by the original cultural group. Some of the best examples of this are around Black American culture in the US. Some cultural products were only valuable AFTER they were owned, operated, and proliferated by White Americans. Which is kinda just Racism Classic™ but allowing certain useful things to cross the cultural line for profits sake.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

I think you can apply the socioeconomic and derogation lenses here. Socioeconomically, Japan has been ahead of nearly every other Asian country for a long while, with only places like China and Singapore recently catching up to them. So, I think that makes it feel okay. And derogatively, I don't think these restaurants are successful because they specifically aren't being run by Japanese people. So that's good on the front as well. So I'd say, yeah, overall it feels fine. However, I'm not Japanese and don't have a wealth of additional context that might provide counter arguments.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

The popularization of Black American music is indeed a complex topic in this arena. Like, obviously a lot of cultural outsiders made a lot of money off of the situation, but there were at least some benefits to the arrangement, although whether or not they outweighed the cons is perhaps difficult to say. For example, if outsiders had abstained entirely from profiting, what would have changed? Obviously more of the money made percentage-wise would've gone to the owning culture, but would there have been less money overall? Would it have reached the same levels of popularity? If so, it almost certainly wouldn't've happened as quickly, right? These are difficult questions to answer and I'm not educated enough in this area to really offer any. So, while not worth a damn, my gut feelings is that there are at least some strong arguments as to why overall the absence of outsider profiting would've been better for the owning culture.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

I think academically, derogation is often considered as a component. Like profiting off a culture while simultaneously despising the culture and the people who own it.


I've been trying to find an offline music payer with a UI that I don't hate. Yesterday, I downloaded a dozen highly recommended apps and for every single one swiping left or right on a song caused either 1) nothing to happen or 2) tab navigation which is abbbsssoooolllluutteellly useless garbage.

I want something where swiping one way queues the song and swiping the other way triggers "add to playlist". Something like that. Anyone know of a player that does that or has configurable Swipe actions?

Edit: To be more clear, I'm talking about swiping in "listing" views, not in a "now playing" kind of view.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've poked around online and it seems like Jellyfin had (music) volume normalization added to it sometime recently. However, I'm struggling to verify that it's enabled/working. Is it something I have to enable or is it on by default? If it's on shouldn't I be able to see something like a LUFS or ReplyGain value in each song's metadata?

UPDATE: I'm not familiar with Jellyfin's git strategy, but it seems like even though the audio normalization has made it into the master branch it has NOT made it into the 10.8.z release tag/branch. I determined this by looking for the changes in Emby.Server.Implementations/Data/SqliteItemRepository.cs from the normalization PR in the current version of the file in 10.8.z and they were not present.


I really like the functionality of the Galarm android app but I can't help but feel like it's something I should be able to self host instead or pay a monthly subscription for.

To elaborate, Galarm is an alarm app with the key feature of being able to send alarms to other people you "connect" with. For me, this means my wife can send me an alarm to do something at a certain time instead of sending me a message about what I need to do and when and then I have to go and set up the alarm myself. Also, I want to emphasize alarm here. Something that just sends notifications is basically worthless to me.

Anyone know of something I could host to get the same functionality?


Pakistan takes it!

Final Standings:

  1. Pakistan
  2. South Korea
  3. Japan
  4. USA
  5. France
  6. UK
  7. Philippines
  8. Australia

More info (team composition, character choices, etc.) -

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