Scaled. Though your feed will be filled with posts from the same community if that community suddenly started posting lots of posts and is a new one. It happened to me with [email protected]
Well, you seem to be right. The website's points (especially some) are very exaggerated upon a closer look. That also does make me doubt how true it actually is. But as you said, that open source one is real. So I guess I'll just revert my view to how it was before. Noone is perfect after all.
As the author said in the website, saying a platform is open source when you haven't even released the source is nothing but wrong. And that is not the only thing he has done it seems.
~~I personally can't take his apologies seriously after his cocky harassments.~~
Found this out from that subreddit:
~~That's very interesting. It did change my view of dansup.~~
edit: just like the comments said, most points seem to be exaggerated and mostly bs upon a closer look.
Subscriptions really are taking over the whole world.
Do not use Yew. It's no longer being maintained. If you want to use a Rust frontend framework, you should check out Leptos. It will feel familiar if you've used SolidJS before, as it was inspired by it.
Matrix, SimpleX, XMPP
Thanks for bringing this up, Cowbee has been banned.
Why is this NSFW?