Just searched for Chudinism and found nothing. Typo? I'm really interested in that shit...
Believe it or not but some people sweat more than others. If you don't want to shower every hour you need deodorant.
Not edgy enough
This. How can a vegan meat alternative cost more than real meat. I'd buy it immediately but as a consumer I don't want to be screwed over.
Wait... You get 350k doing python coding?!
Why leave comments?
Huh? What are these plans and who is going to implement them?
Here is a user that had no opinion on the topic and wants to start a discussion and all he gets are downvotes. Wtf Lemmy.
Right? I remember when the_Donald started on reddit, I thought it was hilarious and just people making fun of Trump and behaving like over the top cultists. And in the beginning it obviously was only just a joke. And then it got real and people really thought what was written there was the truth. People for banned and an echo chamber formed.
Was it the same on /b/? Did anyone experience the same as me back then? I really wanna know if all of this came from dumb internet humour...
A guy from my wife's age group is a federal government advisor regarding future of work. He has never worked a day in a proper job at a company. Only academics and politics.
So this machine is driving at high speeds and is incredibly dangerous and if it crashes while you are in it or riding it you'll probably die.
Why are people using cars and motorcycles? I don't get it!