Slim might be one of the coolest rich guys around. He put up a museum in Mexico city and it's free. For everyone, all the time.
Actually, they can and do climb walls and ceiling and then fall onto the bed.
Get diatomaceous earth, pesticide specialty store or garden center (not as good). Powder the carpets espcially near walls and bed legs and door to room. Also, take off outlet, switch covers and blow some in there. Put mattress in special bed bug proof bag and seal zipper with duct tape. If you live in hot climate. Put those sealed black garbage bags in the hot sun for th entire day (free high heat). If not, commercial hot dryer. All your clothes. If you find a pesticide specialty store, they can sell you the stuff and sprayer. Follow their instructions. Do it again in 10 days. Had 'em once. Not fun or easy. All above has to be done at same time
I have about 500 Gb in my personal library running jellyfin - which I hardly use anymore. I gladly give Tidal $20/month for a family plan, not just for the added value, but because they actually pay for the music, unlike Shitify. The stream quality is even better than about half of my collection. There are other good services and specialty services. Deezer is another. I don't mind helping the artists.
Musk gets him excited. He's jerking off.
That depression that's coming is only for the working class. The rich will keep making money using us indentured workers as slaves to make more money.
No worries, friend - DOGE will get rid of that pesky NOAA. Climate problem solved!
Are these the same leaders that told people to vote Republican?
Moron in charge of intelligence?
In crime we trust.
It's not a surprise. The oligarchs are going to need more slaves after they send the army out to kill us.
You're not scared because your great grandmother wasn't thrown out a 4th floor window by Nazis. You really don't understand a dictatorship, do you?