If you mean the rise of serfdom and slavery under an oligarchy instead of an economically enlightened republic, I'd say it already happened.
Did someone forget to pay the bribes?!!
I'm pretty sure Joe Rogan and Mel Gibson believe that those massive fires are caused by liberal CA government.
Sager is rebranding Clevo, which are in fact awesome, but I don't think you can buy them directly from Taiwan. And of course, no support.
But the 1% got 100 x wealthier! Ain't that great?
I'm 73 and I understand nothing. Does that help?
They pull from several other search indexes, and they have awesome features. Infinitely more valuable than an overpriced coffee for $5/month.
I love the quick summarizer.
I meant Sam, although they are both considered Founding Fathers of US. I didn't remember that John Adams was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Besides, Samuel was a signer AND has beer named after him
Labels really suck. I don't believe that hippies could possibly be so heterogeneous. Mostly, they were united in the 1960s in their anti-war position. Their older brothers/relatives died in Korea. And their friends and schoolmates were dying in Vietnam. And for what? Someone else's war? But I don't think they had too much else in common. Well, maybe drugs, LOL.
Conservatives is a crappy label too. My view is that the Republican party has become that party that wants an authoritarian oligarchy. Now they can check that off their list.
I say Republicans, instead of Conservatives, because the latter word has a much more time invariant definition. Republican position on the other hand has changed considerably since Republican Abe Lincoln's time.
Could've, yes ... it's insulting to assume things about people - it pisses them off. It's always better to just listen.
Fortran, yes. And machine language. In those days, you had to put the boot loader in manually from binary switches on the control panel. Ah, the wonders of non-volatile memory LOL. COBOL and BASIC later and JCL which was job control lang for mainframes.
It's not a surprise. The oligarchs are going to need more slaves after they send the army out to kill us.