That sounds great, why do these songs all have single-digit views on YT?
Umm, hello, is this the Based department? I'd like to report someone...
What the duck
Look into the differences between altered states versus altered traits for a scientific perspective on this.
Btw a 15th anniversary edition was released last year.
Not sure if you're referencing this intentionally? I love when the same thought can come up in different forms for different contexts.
To make people aware that lemmy exists in case someone shares. I recommend we all add it to our memes.
In some of these confrontations, ants can adopt ritualized behavior, even governed by certain implicit rules,[1] for example by organizing duels between the most important ants of each colony or choosing a specific location for a battle.
I got the pic by googling for "anthill", but it seems you're correct. It stems from an article that uses the term "anthill" for both ant and termite hills.
Hahahaha hahaha
It does not and neither did I imply it.