
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 months ago (1 children)
  • If you're the kind of person to keep yourself busy all day, then when you're trying to go to sleep might be the first time all day you've allowed your mind to wander! You need to find some other time in the day to allow yourself to daydream. Some tips are to not read anything while in the bathroom or turn the radio off in your car if you have a commute. Maybe even schedule some time to sit and think about things if you can.
  • Only use your bed for sleep and sex. Reading, eating, browsing on your phone, watching TV, or any other activity should be done elsewhere. This way you train yourself that it's sleeptime when you're in bed.
  • This is probably something that can't be done if you have a rotating shift, but go to sleep on a regular schedule. Go to sleep at the same time every day. Staying up late should a rare occurrence. Your body will become tired at the same time each day and it's much easier to fall asleep when you keep a schedule.
[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Damn I didn't know Solutech went out of business. I like(d) their filament and still have a couple spools left.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago

I came to the harsh reality and conclusion that when it comes to platform maturity and stability, Kbin is years behind thanks to constant errors across the website sometimes, bugs and other instabilities, this also lead me to reconsider supporting and coming back to Lemmy

I started running my own personal kbin instance in June and had to face that realization a few months in. I just recently (~2 weeks ago) took it down and started up a lemmy server instead. It's something I should have done months ago because it requires an order of magnitude more resources to run kbin compared to lemmy. I guess it was too appealing to have both mastodon and lemmy in one place, but neither of those things worked well enough to be worth the trouble.

At any rate, your thread on reddit about kbin was one of the reasons I ventured out into the fediverse as well as one of the reasons I chose to run kbin over lemmy. Thanks for the time and effort you put into doing all that!

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

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[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Unfortunately Mozilla doesn't seem to be opposed to the attribution, only the implementation. They have their own proposal called IPA:

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 years ago

Also, the reason people throw out the 90% figure is because that's about what it was at the time. Granted most of the rich still managed to only pay ~70%.

Here's a couple jumping points: Historical chart, US tax history on Wikipedia

[–] [email protected] 15 points 2 years ago

Kbin allows user-level instance blocking, so that functionality should be feasible to implement in lemmy eventually.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

There's some decent explanations in this thread:

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

One more try. I sure hope you don't have notifications enabled for all replies...
Edit: well now I'm stumped

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

UTC now. Am I still the ghost of federation's past?
Edit: seems so?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I had it set to localtime instead of UTC, which for me is -5 hours. Caused me a bit of grief earlier today after making a new post that started out already five hours old!

It seems like a real pickle though. What if I set my time to a year in the future and make a post? Would that post stay at the top of new all year? I guess lemmy should use the received date rather than what is sent but that could be problematic when things are bogged down or having federation issues.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago (4 children)

@danQuix0te sorry, I shouldn't have deleted my comment. Still trying to get the time thing sorted out.


Why YSK: There's been many image posts to the fediverse that have incorrect rotations and this info should help you to prevent that situation for your own posts.

Your phone's camera app will add some metadata to the pictures you take called Exif data.
Most apps will simply add metadata that asks for the image to be rotated rather than actually rotating the image so that the picture-taking experience seems smoother/faster. This metadata is usually striped out by most websites when you submit them which leaves the image in the original rotation rather than the one you might have expected.

Why is this metadata removed by websites? The GPS location of where you took the picture can be included in that data as well as other sensitive info such as the date/time and the unique ID for your device. This data is often removed from the images to prevent leaking that info but not all sites will do this so it's good to make a habit of purging that info yourself before putting them online!

Use an image editor app that will show the real rotation and/or strip out the Exif metadata. There's a helpful article on XDA for both android and ios that shows how to disable the location data as well as some apps to remove exif data:


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At least 23 people were injured, one fatally, when gunfire erupted early Sunday at a Juneteenth celebration in suburban Chicago, authorities said.

The shooting unfolded about 12:30 a.m. in the parking lot of a strip mall in Willowbrook, about 23 miles west of Chicago, according to the DuPage County Sheriff's Office.

Investigators look over the scene of an overnight mass shooting at a strip mall in Willowbrook, Ill., June 18, 2023. Matt Marton/AP
The gunfire erupted during a large gathering of several hundred people to commemorate Juneteenth, Battalion Chief Joe Ostrander with the Tri-State Fire Protection District told ABC Chicago station WLS-TV.

Victims were taken to multiple area hospital with gunshot wounds, according to the sheriff's office. One person was pronounced dead and at least two were in critical condition, Deputy Chief Eric Swanson of the DuPage County Sheriff's Office said at a news conference.

Investigators talk with a person at the scene of an overnight mass shooting at a strip mall in Willowbrook, Ill, June. 18, 2023. Matt Marton/AP
No arrests have been announced.

A motive for the shooting is under investigation.

Investigators look over the scene of an overnight mass shooting at a strip mall in Willowbrook, Ill., June 18, 2023. Matt Marton/AP
Sheriff's deputies had been monitoring the annual Juneteenth celebration when they responded to a 911 call of a fight breaking out nearby, the sheriff's department said. While deputies were investigating the report of the fight, they heard gunshots and immediately returned to the Juneteenth celebration, authorities said.

"An unknown number of suspects fired multiple rounds from multiple weapons into the crowd," police said in a statement.

In addition to those shot, several victims were treated at area hospitals for injuries they suffered attempting to flee the area, according to the sheriff's office.

Detectives were combing through security video and witness cellphone video Sunday afternoon in hopes of identifying suspects, authorities said.

Witnesses described a scene of panic with people scattering in all directions, seeking cover from the barrage of gunfire.

"It was supposed to be like a Juneteenth celebration; we just started hearing shooting, so we dropped down until they stopped. They just kept going. After that, we literally scattered away," witness Markeshia Avery told WLS-TV.


I thought this is a pretty cool way to visualize the process and figured I'd share!

The author's git repo and twitter are:

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